Its too hard for me


New member
The pregnancy pain and c section n recovery all that pain I didn't give a f, I alone changed diapers, cleaned her n fed her all by myself from day one but it keeps getting unbearable for me. Breastfeeding pain or pumping pain and thn using all my energy to play with her or make her sleep, I hardly get 4 hours sleep a day and I can feel my bones degrading all over my body, I feel weak all the time and dead 24/7.......i had baby just for my partner and he left me at my mothers while he travels and parties with his friends every week. Even when he stays, he stays for a week n leaves saying work excuses. All I want is a single day of holiday away from everything and everyone 😭 my periods started way too early at 6 weeks, my body has barely any energy fluids are out from all parts.. I just don't know what to do other than cry in my room
@oasis5004 Gee, of course it’s going to be hard if you’re doing it all alone! Your partner has to get involved too! And if your mom helps as well, you’ll see light at the end of the tunnel. In my experience, with 3 adults taking care of baby is much more bearable. You deserve to have some rest and sleep! Your baby needs a rested mommy. Hope you’ll get the necessary support asap. Hugs
@oasis5004 How far postpartum are you? It does take a while to feel normal. I’d say it took me like 6 months to feel like myself again. Your hormones are still wacky, your body is healing, and you’re a non single single parent. I’ve heard from people who left their sh*tty partners that it was much easier actually being single than staying with a partner who wasn’t there.
Start taking prenatal (they have everything you need for vitamins in 1), try to drink water throughout the day, have snacks laying around, rest when the baby sleeps even if you’re still awake at least go lay down and go on TikTok or watch your favorite shows or YouTube channels.
Every month you’ll start to feel better and better. I also got on antidepressants after birth which helped me personally. But the first few months are hard. Go easy on yourself, it’s such a vulnerable and hard time for you and you’re doing your best. I think you should talk to your partner and if they are not willing to change then do what’s best for YOU. It won’t be like this forever either❤️
@oasis5004 Oh man I’m so sorry you are going through this. I’m sorry you don’t have a supportive partner. Have you talked to them about how you are feeling? Maybe your mom can help out some more so you can get some rest. You need your rest.

It is not easy especially at first but it will get better. Your body will heal and you will get in a groove with things. Your baby will get older and not be as needy. It can be trying but may you have the strength to continue on and make it to the other side where you can one day say I DID IT! I hope things start getting better for you soon.
@oasis5004 Have you talked to your partner and been clear you didn’t have a child to be a single parent? Spoken to a lawyer? Honestly, you’re a single parent and if he clearly doesn’t care about being a father, don’t give him the privilege for nothing. Now, can you afford a nanny?
@oasis5004 I've been there. It's hard. It gets better.

It's hard to see that now but you will heal. You will get stronger. Day by day.

I think we're I you I'd have a big heart to heart with my partner about expectations. Babies take a lot of work and you need time to heal. He should be at home taking care of you and the house so you can focus on baby and healing.

Going forward: both you and your partner should strive to balance both of your needs for rest, downtime, and time for self care.

In the meantime draw on your village as much as possible for support.