It's happening!

@katrina2017 Yep, our first! We've raised her cousin's son for two years but the whole L&D experience is new to us.

Congratulations! Hope mom's doing well!
@taj The delivery part is wild the first time around! So much stuff happening, so many emotions. It’s both super gross and a beautiful at the same time. Lol

Moms doing fine for now, she just got her epidural as well. We got a chubby baby coming though, he’s probably going to weigh 9+ pounds. Poor women and as a guy I’m sitting here getting room service and on Reddit

Congratulations and good luck !
@katrina2017 Lol same. I drank too much coffee so I'm opting to eat instead of nap. I'd rather make that call now than regret not eating later on.

My wife is only 37wks +2 so we're anticipating a little on the smaller side. Midwife estimated around 6 lbs last week.
@taj Grab yourselves some kind bars/rxbars/powerbars if you can. They don't need refrigeration, and if your wife is in labor a long time they won't let her eat anything. You can sneak her some tiny nutrient dense nibbles. Not a lot, but enough to help keep energy going.

Best of luck, can't wait to see the followup post. May everything be quick and utterly boring :)
@johnspring Please don’t give your wife food if the OB is saying not to eat. Many OBs will let you eat during labor nowadays because the evidence is poor that fasting has a benefit and the risk for aspiration (if emergency csection is needed with anesthesia) is low. But some OBs are more old school so please listen to your medical team
@racheldiane Popsicles are usually in the clear liquid category, so most OBs will be fine with it. But I’ve seen entire surgeries cancelled over a patient eating a cracker or even a sip of water. Anesthesiologists usually freak out about that. Not that in an emergency they will cancel but it’s always just best to ask your nurse or doctor before eating. If they say popsicles are fine then go ahead, I just would never sneak food if they wanted you to be strict NPO (no food).