Its go time!


New member
At midnight, my wife's water broke. Now we are over 4 cm dilated! Wish us luck, I'm about to graduate.

UPDATE: I can finally take a few minutes to type this up, but SHES HERE!!!! after 18 hours of mama working hard, she's here. 18 hrs of labor, 2 hours of pushing and a necessary c section later, and Michele Ann "Ellie" is here! 8 lbs, 6 oz, and 20 in long!! Thank you to everyone for your help through my predad journey. Yall are amazing. See ya on the other side, yall.
@accepthiswill Graduated yesterday at 2:33pm! I’m totally overwhelmed and every interaction with my son is super awkward (never changed a diaper or held a baby in my life) but man what an experience!
@accepthiswill Congratulations dude, that’s wonderful news!

Feel free to DM me if you ever wanna compare experiences. Sometimes it gets really busy and it’s nice to chat to someone in the same position I think.