it's 4:30am


New member
And I'm awake sitting on the toilet because on top of how crappy my day was, the fancy sushi I picked up to celebrate our 9 year anniversary glutened me because the kitchen doesn't read clear instructions stating: GLUTEN FREE - CELIAC.

My 3 year old is deep in the "I need Mommy CONSTANTLY but also everything Mommy does that isn't to my exact specifications that she should somehow psychically know means she's MEAN" phase and I have spent all day doing everything wrong and being screamed and cried at. So my husband and I decide to get a fancy dinner to celebrate our anniversary and also give me a break from a place we've eaten before that has a bunch of options for mandatory gluten free me...

Except 4/5s of the way through a roll I happen to peak a little piece of tempura inside the rice; and lo and behold, upon my calling the restaurant to confirm, I find out that yeah, that shouldn't be there, and I've just eaten an entire sushi roll of wheat tempura batter.

I've been dry-heaving and pooping for the better part of the last 8 hours, on top of the 3yo telling me that I should be happy and smile, Mommy, be happy, Mommy, you need to be happy! You need to do X, Y, and Z, Mommy!

@freespirit325 I'm sorry this happened to you. That's pretty awful.

Also, my daughter is in a similar phase, so, solidarity! So much crying because I did it wrong and she can't live with it... And yeah, the typical absolute ignorance of my woes from the 3 yo.

I hope you'll get into solid poop land and you can be of better service to your daughter again.