It’s D-Day ! Advice on how to deal with stress/waiting

@vanessaeb Here are my 2 pieces of advice:

1.) You will be shocked at how quickly your paternal instincts take form.

2.) Do not worry if everything does not go exactly to plan. There is a fairly good chance that it does not.
@vanessaeb The fact that you go out of your way to find advice and learn alone shows how much you care. Don’t worry you’ll be a good dad for that alone.
At this point all the prep should have come together and it’s time to just focus up and get your partner whatever they need. They’ll be really scared even if they think they won’t, a level head and a plan will go far. You got this bud.
@vanessaeb Honestly, everything leading up to labor was way more stressful than the actual experience. We may have just had a good experience thanks to info from classes and the epidural but we both agree it wasn’t nearly as bad as what either of us were expecting (people’s stories and the movies). The hardest part for us was getting through contractions prior to being dilated enough for the epidural. If she can be up on her feet and in positions that help the baby naturally drop, things should progress quicker. All you can really do is be there for her, hug her, scratch her back, and give her water during this part. You guys will be great and you will be parents before you know it !
@vanessaeb First off - you've got this.

Couple of quick thoughts:

*Add a few perishable items to the go bag

*Review the birth plan and make sure you have a copy for the nurses.

*Relax and be in control. Your partner needs you to be her advocate.

*Have a plan for what you'll do if you get light-headed or panic. Excuse yourself, go to the bathroom, breathe, collect yourself, and get back in there. Take care of yourself.

*You're going to be great as a dad. Go get 'em.
@vanessaeb Nicotine lozenges and pacing :)

Honestly, the prep you've undoubtedly already done is what's valuable. Just be there for her and focus on making her life as easy as possible, and the rest will fall into place.

You've got this!
@vanessaeb You got this! Just be there and do what the doc says (in my case help with pulling back and legs in a crunch to help with labor - 23 hours for her).

Don’t FaceTime your family immediately- just enjoy the moment
@vanessaeb She had to be induced and while waiting for the drugs to take hold we finished our Civ 5 game. Time for you and your wife to binge her favorite shows (or read her favorite books or whatever).

Rest while you can. Be there for her. You are already aware of the process, keep an eye on the birth plan, realize that it may not go to plan and hang in there.

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