Is this neglect?


New member
Sorry for posting frequently. I just need to know.
  1. When my mom and dad were a young married couple and I was a few months old, we lived with my uncle. We stayed in his basement.
My uncle has told me that one night, he heard me crying for hours. Finally, he went downstairs to see what was happening, and he found out they locked me in the bathroom. I had been crying because I was hungry, and that’s what they did instead of feeding me. My uncle fed me.
  1. I know babies are supposed to spend time on the floor so that they can learn to crawl. Well, my mom and dad used to leave me locked in the bedroom. They’d put me in my crib and leave me there for hours during the day. My grandmother tried putting me back on the floor, but they’d put me back in my crib, so I didn’t learn to walk on time.
  2. Later on, my parents split and mom abandoned me. When I was in kindergarten, my dad forgot to pick me up from school several times.
Do these things count as neglect?
@holyrood Yes, I would say all of these examples count as neglect. I feel for you OP. feel free to message me if you have any other questions or want to talk :)
@dj617 Thank you. I had to ask because I’m just starting to piece together all the stuff that happened when I was growing up. And you’re so kind and that means a lot to me