Is this a weird name for a baby boy

@followjesus1811 Trying to say someone shouldn’t have kids because of a name? That’s the type of people who would do that. The name I mentioned is Arabic. So you want to walk around telling Arabic’s who have children named that, that they shouldn’t be parents? Even though it has cultural significance? Maybe just say “I’m not a fan” and move on like a decent person.
@rfuntilon That's quite a leap and very inaccurate. Also absolutely hilarious because I am Arabic. A kid called Chafing will get bullied. You gotta think about the kind of life your kid will have with a name like that. A decent parent wouldn't put their kid through that. Maybe don't randomly bring race into things, it makes you sound racist.
@followjesus1811 I’m also of Arabic heritage, I have multiple family members by that name that have never complained. My point was you should never tell someone they shouldn’t be a parent because of name choices, that’s a leap not a single person should ever take