Is my sister on the spectrum? Or developing slower?


New member
My sister is 12. I am 10 years older and moved out of the house about a year ago. When I lived at home I thought she was just a awkward goofy kid. She has stayed with me at my house for a week now and I am beginning to wonder if it’s something more as ASD runs on one side of my family that I am aware of.

These are the reasons I am starting to wonder
  1. Extremely picky eater, will sit for hours picking at the plate, even crying or doing weird things to his the food claiming she ate and then just starving. ( I would get it if she was maybe 6 but she’s 12)
  2. Food has to be separate. Will not eat anything that touched each other
  3. Hygiene is declined. She showers only when she feels like it. (While she stayed with me it took 3 days for her to shower) even at that she doesn’t sent wash her hair or self properly
  4. She does not like to brush her hair or teeth on a regular basis. Her teeth are so damaged. She’ll let her hair go until she has noticeable rats nest and our mother will either brush her hair for her or make her sit in front of her and brush it herself
  5. She is oddly clumsy, cannot seem to figure out basic things ( although she did jiujitsu and was GREAT)
  6. I don’t know if she is playing dumb bc she is lazy or if she is serious in this one but she cannot open every day things. Reminds me of a five year old. Ex: plastic cheese container(just a little box)
    Her lunch containers, doors either it’s a car or building.
  7. She is mentally a lot more child like than her peers.
  8. Her social skills are off. She interrupts when someone is clearly having a conversation regardless of the tone being picked up. She rambles and mumbles. She lies, like a very obvious lie that makes you just look at her with a head tilt. When asking why she’s lying she stands by it. Dose not matter how outlandish or how much it does not make sense. She gets hyper in bursts. Say inappropriate things at inappropriate times. Lack of appreciation.
These could all very well be normal things that perhaps she’ll grow out of but to me she seems to have stopped growing up at a certain point. I want to help her but I don’t know what she needs. If it’s more support and security in home life or if she’s on the spectrum and I need to talk to mom and dad about helping her.
@husseximmo this could be a combination of a number of things: the most likely one is autism spectrum disorder, the food touching thing could be ocd, and the lack of self-care could be symptoms of depression, an anxiety disorder, adhd, and more. even with the in depth detail you gave, it’s hard to know for sure. i would recommend helping her get a professional diagnosis

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