Is my Nexplanon still effective?


New member
So I got Nexplanon in June of 2023, I was 395 pounds when I got it so obviously my arm was WAY bigger. Since then I’ve lost 105 pounds, so my arms are mainly loose skin! My Nexplanon is now sitting in the loose skin and is so close to my skin on the outside that I can see the white tip of the bar when I go to feel it or see where it’s settled now. I’ve had unprotected sex since losing weight and im not pregnant or had any scares, but my periods are different. When I first got my BC I wouldn’t bleed at all, now that I’ve lost weight I have been bleeding for 3 months straight with no stops. It’s not been heavy at all but enough to need a small tampon. My cramps are off and on as well, but I was wondering if anyone has experienced weight loss with Nexplanon and had the same things happen! Does the fact that it’s sitting in my loose skin make it less or not at all effective?…another thing as well- my pH is normal now but I’ve noticed since having Nexplanon that I smell SO metallic. It makes ME gag, let alone any partner or person around me and I get super self conscious. Is that a side effect or normal? Ty guys in advance! ❤️