Is it normal for me to feel both excited and terrified for my child’s anatomy scan in 2 weeks?


New member
I’m so excited to be able to see her on the ultrasound (we did a blood test early to determine gender) but I’m also fucking terrified because I’m so scared that the doctor might find something wrong with her.

As far as I know, there’s no major hereditary health issues in both of our families. Only thing I know that is my grandma on my dad’s side died from asthma. My wife had a twin sister who was born disabled because my wife had “stolen” nutrients from her in the womb so her brain never developed.. but that’s about it.

Edit: the blood test was not NIPT. It was sneak peek. It just tested for gender. Nothing else.
@augustcomposure I have my scan in two weeks at MFM. I’ll be 18.5weeks by then.
I am absolutely freaking out if I’m being honest. My ob has already scared the crap out of me by referring me to mfm and requesting early us. Due to slightly elevated afp, cut off is 2.5 and I tested at 2.5. I spoke with mfm doctor over the phone and she reassured me that everything looks fine, and the odds are in my favor. 1 in 288 chance of anything being wrong. All nipts came back negative and low risk. All my ultrasounds have been good, they were able to identify all limbs, brain, heart, eye sockets, jaw and spine at 12w us. She was very active at 12w also listened to heart beat at 14w. This is my first time being pregnant and first child obviously, I’m 30yrs old no prior history of anything. I have no idea what to expect or think about anything. Stressing and googling alll the dang time. So terrified that I’m going to get bad news at scan 😮‍💨

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