Is a floor bed not recommended for an infant b/c of the mattress?

@exaltbass Oh, I totally get the appeal of a Montessori floor bed—it's all about fostering independence right from the start, isn't it? The main concern with infants under one using floor beds isn't necessarily the mattress type but ensuring the sleep environment remains safe. With floor beds, it’s vital to baby-proof the room thoroughly because once they're mobile, little ones can wander around unsupervised. The American Academy of Pediatrics emphasizes a firm, flat sleeping surface in a crib without loose bedding until at least 12 months old, mainly to minimize the risks associated with Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and other sleep-related infant deaths. If you're looking for more detailed guidance on setting up a safe and nurturing sleep environment, feel free to check out the info in my profile.