Intermittent nipple pain w/5mo


New member
I truly do not know what the problem is. I have nipple pain intermittently that doesn’t match any description I’ve heard. My daughter is 5m and EBF. I had all the normal pains when we started and eventually it seemed to ebb away but I have pretty uncomfortable pain 5/10 for 3-5 days with breaks of very little to no pain for 7-14 days. There is no redness, fever, bleeding, clogging… literally nothing? But the pain is consistent through feeds. Not much pain between feeds, just while she is latched. I’ve seen an LC and she claimed everything looked right and I wouldn’t think latch problems because the pain is intermittent but I’m at a loss. She is healthy and gaining weight, not fussy, honestly no issues so I desperately want to continue BF but the pain makes me incredibly moody and angry at my husband. I have endless patience for baby, but could literally rip my husband’s head off because the frustration just gets directed to him and I hate it so much. Please help. Thanks.