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I know it gets better. This is only the beginning. I just had her. I’m only 10 weeks postpartum. Anatomically, I understand that it will take time because it took 9 months but I feel so terrible. I hate what I see in the mirror. My fiancé tries to reassure me, it’s not even reassurance. He tells me I’m beautiful unprovoked. He tells me it’s okay & that I am losing weight. My mom tells me the same but I just can’t see it. I’ve always been skinny my whole life except during the pandemic where I was 220 or so in 2020. I’m 6’1 to add. My normal weight is between 190-200. I was around 270 when I gave birth. Last time I checked I was down to approximately 255, which I understand is the baby, excess water, etc. I’m also breastfeeding, I don’t know if that factors into anything. I know what I need to do physically & nutritionally to lose weight but it’s finding the time. I’m not able to do much because of baby girl & her sensing whenever I leave, even if she is asleep. Not to mention all of the weight I gained has put a strain on my knees, it hurts to get up from a chair, let alone getting on/off the floor. I’m also going back to work soon. I also got my period exactly 6 weeks PP & have it now. I almost forgot what it was like after having it for 13 years, it’s taking time to get adjusted too as well on top of my hormones regulating from the pregnancy. I know I’m just headcasing but I feel like crap and need to vent.
@tracylee Firstly, don’t feel guilty for feeling terrible. I remember sobbing to my mum and my husband when I was 4 weeks pp because I couldn’t fit into any of my clothes. They were also incredibly supportive and complimentary but at the time it just didn’t make me feel any better. Remember you’ve just gone through a huge change, you’re at such a vulnerable time in your life and so many hormones! Secondly, I promise it gets better!! 10 weeks is still so early. I actually had knee pain postpartum too because of the amount of weight I put on during pregnancy and I genuinely thought I’d permanently damaged my knees. Then one day, when my son was around 4 months old I realised that the pain had gone and I’d also lost a whole load of weight. I didn’t push myself to work out, but just went for daily walks with the pram and the weight came off slowly over time rather than all falling off rapidly. So hang in there, I know it’s hard now but it gets better!
@aneata I try to tell myself that I’ve had a huge change, I don’t know why I just can’t wrap my head around it. I try not to think negatively bc it’s quick for that dark cloud to grow bigger. I tried to take advantage of the nice weather for walks because it also helped her sleep but it’s getting colder here. It’s still the beginning, I’m hoping it’ll get better soon. Thank you!
@tracylee Sending love to you. I gained 65 and am now half way down by 5 months. It gets way better. I look more like myself now, not entirely, but I have hope I will feel way more like myself once I reach my goal. Try not to obsess over it like I did. Caused a lot of unnecessary stress and depression.
@mommybebrave I try not to fall into the rabbit hole because it will consume my thoughts and tear me down. I have to take it a day at a time. Thank you! Sending love your way!
@tracylee I definitely felt like that at 10w PP. start by taking baby on extra walks, whenever you have time. Also prioritize rest and getting enough protein and nutrients. It will take time but you will feel like yourself again.
@lovejoy76 I’ve been taking walks when I can and definitely took advantage of the last few warmer days where it was 60 degrees but I live in NY so it’s starting to get colder. My fiancé is the one that cooks so we eat a lot of meats/veggies and I make smoothies here & there with Kefir. Luckily she’s sleeping through the night for the most part (5-7 hours or so). So rest has been getting better but during the day it’s more like cat naps for her. Thank you for commenting!!
@tracylee I’m 1 year pp and just now trying to really make the time to go to the gym and take care of myself. I don’t know why but it seems like my body reset and my weight is very comfortable 10 pounds heavier than when I gave birth…. My tummy is so saggy and my old clothes don’t fit, which really make me mad! But slowly I know I’ll get back… give yourself grace for the first few months! I try to be active with my baby since she’s trying to walk now so I am walking everywhere with her… hugs!
@tracylee I’m 6 months post partum with 2nd baby no c section not breast feeding eating healthier then everyone I know I have not lost 1 pounds and I am mortified only gained 35 pounds during pregnancy delivered at 154 been at 139 for 5 months typically weight 119 first pregnancy weight gradually came my metabolism is non existent I’ve tried everything it’s miserable
@tracylee I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. I’m 4 months pp and weigh about the same as when I came home from the hospital. I’ve been exercising and eating relatively well. It’s very tough especially when other people lose weight more easily. I know everyone is different while breastfeeding… some lose, some gain, some maintain… it’s tough.
@jonah2011 Right! I know everyone is different and I try not to compare but I don’t even think I’m comparing. I just hate how I look now. I look back at my body earlier this year & I truly miss my old self
@tracylee I know it’s hard getting exercise with a baby because I had the same problem. Have you tried getting a baby carrier? I currently have 2 babies and I tend to put my little one in the baby carrier and he sleeps while we go on long trails with my other in the stroller. I also try and move around as much as possible while baby is in the carrier. Since doing this I have noticed a huge decrease in my weight and maybe it could help you? The ergo baby carrier is very comfortable as well!
@waldar03 I have the infantino 4 in 1 carrier. I haven’t used it much in the last 2-3 weeks. I would use it before in order to do things around the house without her fussing/to get her to take a nap. It’s getting pretty cold here in NY so I haven’t taken as many walks as I did the past two months. I’ll definitely try to wear the carrier more around the house while I can before going back to work. Thank you!
@tracylee I’m sorry you’re hurting over this. I totally feel you. I am 5”0 normally 130 & I was 190 at delivery! I went down to 150, 2 weeks after & after 6 months pp I’m at 140. It’s a lot of up and down! I don’t think a lot of people talk about how hard it is to lose weight when breastfeeding & that it doesn’t just “come off” bc you’re breastfeeding- hunger plays a role & then if you don’t eat enough or exercise too much (expend too many calories) you lose your milk! It’s all hard. I’ve learned that weight loss pp is most successful when done extremely slowly. It truly will take 9 months to go back to your regular size.

I’ve found a lot of peace in exercising daily and eating healthy. I see the weight slowly coming off & I feel good about it. Some advice- go slow, find an exercise that works for you (not the latest fad/what IG is saying- if u know it works for you then do that), & be kind to yourself. Your body created a human and sustains life for both you & that human. All things you already know!

Most of the woman I know who have dropped the baby weight super quickly after having a baby aren’t breastfeeding- they are formula feeding so they don’t have to be as mindful of their diet/lower calorie counts.

You got this mama. Pour into you so you can pour into your baby. Find what makes you be consistent so you can enjoy yourself & feel strong.
@maemi I’m trying not to stress out because I’m also panicking about going back to work, leaving her, pumping enough milk, eating enough but not too much where I’m over eating & putting on more pounds. It’s true when people say breastfeeding makes you so hungry. My hunger & appetite were BAD while pregnant & I’ve been eating better overall for her benefit. It’s all so much to take in & to handle. Nobody talks about this part of postpartum. I’m trying to take it a day at a time, especially with this being my first baby. Thank you! Sending you love!
@tracylee Sending you love back. It’s hard. But be gentle on yourself. No one is perfect and we are only doing the best we can.

I went on vaca w husband and we left baby with MIL. I pumped every three hours and it was perfect. I used a hands free one and I didn’t get a clogged duct or dip in supply. I pumped about 4oz every three hours which is what my baby normally drank at the time so it worked out great. You got this!