infants dad is deploying overseas


New member
My daughter is 12 weeks old tomorrow. Her dad is active duty military and is going on a mini-deployment. It's very rare that we get asked a preference for deployment date, but it's happened. The 2 options are for him to leave when she's 5-8 months, or 8-11 months. Is there a developmental or psychological impact reason to have him choose one or the other? We're hoping to pick the time-frame that would be best for their bonding and attachment.
@atpollard NAD

I, personally, feel like being gone the 5-8 months is better than 8-11 months because her development is increasing and she’s retaining more information the older she gets. She’s getting closer to 1 at 8-11 months and those months might be better for bonding, especially since infants tend to (not always) bond more with their mothers during the first few months. Ultimately, I can’t say for sure and I’m not fully educated on the subject, so this comment is also an attempt to help boost this post so someone more capable can provide better insight.

Congratulations and best of luck!!

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