In the spirit of positive posts…


New member
My 3 week b/g twins are a lot easier than I was expecting based on all the stories here and elsewhere. Granted this is 3 and 4 for me and our next oldest is 4. BUT it’s not too bad.

Gotta cut post short bc one is crying but I swear…it’s doable with a system and a routine.

Also, real quick, don’t stress about breast vs formula. I do whatever works in the moment. I don’t track. I don’t time. If they’re hungry I feed what’s easiest. My pediatrician is very supportive bc they are gaining weight like crazy and are happy.

Ok heading back in the trenches. Over and out 🫡
@mistee Similar experience! I have a 2.5 year old toddler and my husband and I were braced for pure chaos when we added three. They're 5 weeks old now and things are smooth. We even decided to start potty training this weekend because we feel capable. It's all going well. We just have to stay calm, communicate, and establish our routines. We're loving this new phase of three kids.
@mistee Thanks for sharing. I have a singleton (2,5yo) and am expecting twins and I feel so guilty towards my first because he is very attached to me. I feel like I won’t have time for him anymore. I know he would need to share the attention if I would have another singleton, but I feel like with twins it will be worse for him. So it’s nice to read positive stories from mothers who already have children before twins.
@the_journey So my 4 year old was the center of my world and I had the same feelings before the twins were born. I will say I do have to consciously make time for her and generate extra patience for her shenanigans especially when I’m tired but we have been ok. Dad has been a rock star in giving her extra attention and she’s been awesome about the babies. The babies did come home with the gifts from the top of her wish list which may have helped 😜
@the_journey We did presents to and from the babies too. It was a big success. Sometimes I forget this so just putting it here in case it helps: your toddler won't know if a gift is free or if it is something they already owned but hadn't seen in a long time. The babies especially won't know lol.
@paradox5050 I didn’t consider giving gifts to the babies! That’s also a great idea, thank you. I still have a lot of toys from the first month of my singleton’s life so I can wrap those for the babies.

And yes, it’s true he doesn’t remember all his toys. We got a gift from some friends and it was something he already has, and he keeps wanting to open the box, while I tell him all the time he already has it. 😂 (we will donate it around Christmas time)
@the_journey Our two year old still takes up 95% of my attention 😅 my 7 week old twins are just a delight. In fact we both consider it a day off to just have the twins when he goes to his grandma’s house.
@mistee My boys just turned 3 months. They're my first babies and honestly everyone is still on me because "I could barely handle one! I can't imagine having two the first time!". I've been going out with them by myself since they were 4 weeks. I have a routine I follow (well feeding, changing, and bed time routines at least). And they are starting to sleep through the night. I feel like the only reason I'm thriving is because it was sink or swim lol

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