I'm not hoarding!!

@luke I'm one of the ones dealing with teenage appetite x4 - and yeah I've been getting looks but they turn sympathetic once I mention what I'm dealing with at home to anyone close enough to chat with. (Yes, I'm a person who strikes up random conversation even if it's through a mask and 6' away - waiting in line is boring.)
@luke Our nuclear family is smaller than yours and still... i go monthly shopping and i need two carts to haul everything to the car.

I had so much guilt going in for our planned(!!!) monthly grocery haul right before the quarantine. But what could i have done? Our pantry was empty at that point.
@luke I have a shirt that literally says on it “I’m not hoarding, I just have five kids.”

It’s really sad that we can’t recognize that different households have different needs.
@bible2 I need that shirt haha. The store had a limit of one thing of toilet paper per family. The only.kind left had 8 rolls. I guess we are using paper towels too 8 rolls for a family of 7 people which 6 are girls will not last.
@luke You have my sympathies. Luckily, I am the only female in a household of 5 males. They thought I was serious when I told them they could only shit once every 3 days. :D
@luke Get a peri bottle- like they give you after birth! Cheaper than a bidet, and it works! That’s what we’ve been using, because I just had a baby and it works so well!
@4l3x This!!! I got one in the hospital after my fourth was born and made sure I took it home. Five years later I’m still using it! So much cleaner then toilet paper and I have colitis so 10x a day plus of diarrhea (I know tmi but seriously) I can’t afford to use toilet paper even when it’s rationed.
@katrina2017 I bought a ton of little face rags in different colors. My husband and I are the only ones who use the bidet so we know which rags are which. We use one towel per day and then toss it in the laundry and replace the next day. For a big family, I would definitely purchase a bidet. Even a cheap one works fine. I have a $20 one and it doesn’t warm up or anything but it works perfectly!
@luke Get a bidet attachment for your toilets!!!

Seriously - they have been a game changer. Spring for one that has a blow drier. I’m in Canada, and the hot water blow dry one is about $300, but it is so much cleaner as a woman.

So much.

Like night and day

And they sell them at Costco