I'm not a single parent, but I have a few words for those that are..


New member
Dear single parents,

I'm 22-years-old, raised by a single mother and I want to say thank you. I want to say an enormous F U to a society that looks down on single parents. Whether you chose to be a single parent or things didn't work out as you'd planned, I want you to know that you are the backbone of society. You are the people strong enough to be there oftentimes when other people who should have been weren't. You are the ones who push through. I know it can be scary. You wonder whether you're enough for your child and you still can't work out how they REALLY feel about it all. I want you to know that you ARE enough. Your strength is inspiring to your child. I want you to know that I don't have the best relationship with my mom, but I still have so much respect for how she raised us. Love on your children. Make sure they know that they are the most important things in your life. That is a gift that they will never lose.

Thank you for everything you do and stay strong.
@avalonforhim It's always good to see some genuine encouragement; thank you. I've been a single dad since my daughter was three years old (she'll been seven this June), and she and I are inseparable.

The best part is that I've met someone...and she was raised by her dad as well, so she knows and understands what goes into this. Five months on in the relationship, she and my daughter have a relationship that easily eclipses anything my daughter and ex-wife have or would've had...my girlfriend understands her, and understands me.

So, fortunately (but unfortunately) my single-dad days are numbered, but will never be forgotten; they showed me who I really am and what I'm capable of, and in all truthfulness have been some of the best of my life. So far.

The future may hold more prosperous days, and at least one more sibling for my daughter, but it'll never compare to these last three and a half years for me. It almost feels like college did...in the darkest days I wondered if it would ever end, and now that the end is in sight I almost don't want it to. Strangely bittersweet.
@avalonforhim Thank you for posting this. I'm literally in tears. My ex is the only reason that I have my daughter (I was a fuck up and an addict, he convinced me to get clean and start a family). She's a year old now and he's never met her, nor does he show interest in it. She's my world and my motivation to keep pushing forward. Again, thank you.
@oregongirl1 You're very welcome, but thank YOU. As someone struggling with addiction issues myself, I have so much respect for the few of us that manage to claw our way out of this. Your daughter may be too young to understand what you've done for her right now but someday she is going to have a moment in which she gets it, and she'll be so proud of you, as I am!
@avalonforhim Oh also, to relate, I'm 23 years old. Thank you again. :c.

Edit - Addiction is a bitter demon. I don't think I'll ever feel "recovered" because the want is always still there. My daughter is priority #1 though, she's my light in the dark.

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