If your child saw a demon or h go dot would you believe them?

@owly I had paranormal experiences, my mom was almost choked to death by invisible hands infront of her own parents when she was a kid so HECK yeah would i believe. I would take instant safety measures and investigate the matter further. It might turn out it was just a wild imagination or maybe they just misinterpreted something or were influenced by some media they saw etc. Chances are higher that there was no demon and this is all misunderstanding of some sort in which case i need to resolve it so we can call it what it is and the kid doesn't go on believing lies (like if a noise of machine scared them, i wouldn't want them to think for ages that this sound is demon growling lol) BUT i am very aware of possibility of paranormal amd i would not brush it off like some joke that is sure.

I rather find out (again most likely) that it wasn't a demon than brush it off and not interfere if my child by some chance was ACTUALLY experiencing some paranorm activity!

Edit: there also always exist a chance of schizophrenia ans other mental illnesses so i would also check those because it might be a sign. I woulsnt wanna my kid to deal with it without even knowing he suffers! But i woulsnt just equal it to mental illness cuz again, personal experiences 🥲 having a line of ancestors partaking in witchcraft and having a mom who grew up when playing with spirits was a popular sleepover activity probably isn't the best thing for descendants i guess