If I name my son Maximus (Max) will I regret it?

@cloudbyday90 Ignore the dog comments. I named my kid Milo and found out after it's a popular cat or dog name. Doesn't matter. The kid makes the name. People name animals all kinds of shit. My mom's dog and my human neighbor share the same name "Buck". I've met dogs named Charlie and Luke and Bruno and Aaron.
@savedbygrace77 Thank you! I do love Maxim/Maksim a lot! Me and my husband are Russian and Maksim is a Russian name so that would be perfect. Husband keeps saying Maxim/Maksim will be hard for people to pronounce, that’s why he like Maximus. I still have time to convince him maybe so hopefully we end up with Maxim or Maksim!
@savedbygrace77 This is the name I’m thinking of using if I have another kiddo that’s a boy. I already have a Finn and I think Finn and Milo sound like a great brother duo. I am also just going to ignore animal names. It was a human name first before it was used for an animal. After my son Finn was born I found out that my Husband’s cousin’s dog is named Finn, I’m like whatever. My friend also had a fish named Finn but I’d love the name for years so I just used it. People name their pets human names especially more recently. My cousin’s cat is Steve and my dad’s dog is Charlie for example. My friend that also has a son named Fynn named her next son Max that was born last year. I say go for it! I think Max and Milo are both great names for animals or humans doesn’t matter.