If I dislike the waistband of a SSC, will I dislike a half buckle?

@neostarwcc I definitely used an onbuhimo on the front while my LO was really little. Downside: If you are breastfeeding, it’s very hard to nurse this way.

My LO is 13mo now and the onbuhimo is hands down the most used.
@thefriendlyvillager That’s a great idea, but my local baby wearing library seems to have gone defunct during COVID. Maybe I’ll ask on the local parenting fb group. Thanks!

Ooh also if you don’t like SSCs, can I ask what you use/prefer?
@rainy214 There are online lending libraries BTW, you do have to pay for shipping but it’s something to be aware of.

My personal all time favorite carrier is a ring sling. Wraps are a little too time consuming for my impatient self but I do love how they feel. I also really love my onbuhimo, reverse onbuhimo, i like SSCs that do not have a waist belt. :)
@rainy214 The waistband of the didyklick is thin and flexible. The Lennylamb one is wider but probably more flexible than the Beco and Ergobaby. Hard to tell if you will tolerate a thinner waistband or not. At 3 months old your baby is still to small for a Ombuhino but that can be an option later. Maybe a ring sling would do the trick ? It can be unconfourtable with a big baby as the weight is only on one shoulder, it depends how strong you are and if you plan to babywear for long periods of time.
@tatan10 Nice, that’s what I had a hunch/was hoping to hear, and fair enough that it’s hard to know if it’d like them. Maybe a ring sling is the intermediate answer until an onbuhimo makes sense. Thanks!