I need support


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I had my baby in January of 2021. He was 9.3lbs, I started at 130lbs pre-pregnancy and by the end was 190lbs. I had a C-section. Once I was approved to start running (8 weeks PP) I started working out. I lost some weight after having the baby but when I got to 157lbs my weight loss stopped. Ever since I have worked out regularly at least 3x a week, and I eat healthily. I was breastfeeding until last December. I don't drink alcohol. I saw a dietician in Marc, I tracked my diet and exercise and sent it to her and she said she thought it all looked good, we tweaked a few things and lowered my carb intake but after 2 months nothing changed and she asked me to have blood work done with my Dr. to see how my hormone levels were. So, I did and he said everything came back normal and that I would probably have to have surgery or take some shot every day that would help me lose weight... So then I saw a naturopath who put me on a fasting diet for a month and tested my blood.

I didn't lose any weight from fasting (still exercising regularly) bloodwork came back and she said it looked like insulin resistance so she gave me some Inositol and told me to continue to fast and work out and that it would take about 3 months to see results from the Inositol.

So then I started that but also got a personal trainer who looked at my food and exercise journal and started a program for me. It's been three weeks since I started the personal trainer, after week 1 she told me to tweak my diet by just not having granola. Im still fasting, working out 5-6 times a week, 3 days of weights and 5 days of cardio. I still have not lost any weight.

I look like I'm pregnant, like 7 months pregnant. Every single time I leave the house someone asks me if I'm pregnant, literally every time. I now have anxiety about going out because it's so embarrassing. Clothes don't fit me so I never have anything to wear except spandex/workout clothes and I don't know what to do.

Does anyone know what is going on or know someone who went through this? I need help.
@weeppee You say you look pregnant. Did you ever get evaluated for diastasis recti postpartum? It’s ab separation and you having a c section made you more vulnerable. Running should really NOT be happening that early postpartum especially not from a c section - women shouldn’t be cleared till 12 weeks and should be advised to start with core exercises. I would recommend restore your core program online or seeing a pelvic floor therapist who practices from a holistic core and pelvic floor approach

1) being up 20lb isn’t going to kill you right now. Your panic is coming through your post. Don’t worry about the weight itself this moment. I would bet your “pregnancy look” is more from pelvic floor and core weakness or dysfunction than anything.

1.5) it’s more likely the “pregnant look” is also related to food intolerances and/or SIBO (ie bacterial imbalances in your gut). Seek out an integrative medicine doctor who specializes in gut bacteria or a GI who works with SIBO a lot and can treat that

2) but some new clothes. Your body is hanging out at this weight.

3) stop beating yourself up. Your body isn’t a monster you need to contain and beat into submission.
@acuriousgirl Second all of this. I'm almost 6 months post partum but I don't weigh myself due to being scrutinized prior to pregnancy. I started running at 8 weeks and stopped because I felt myself becoming injured but my coping mechanisms prior to pregnancy for depression was physical activity. I was also diagnosed with PPD and started medication. I'm now doing group fitness classes 3-4 times a week but the progress is slow going. What has helped me was talking about why I wanted to lose the weight so quickly and recognizing the PPD was making me hate my body. While I get frustrated at lack of progress, I remind myself (and my care team and support system does too) that I just made a life and I need to give my body time to recover. That led me to buy better fitting clothes so I feel pretty and focus on workouts being a time for just me. I'd say stay on the fitness and nutrition course but make sure you aren't neglecting your mental health.
@weeppee I agree with the above poster, check for DR, check gut health, maybe honestly slow down. The stress and raised cortisol levels could be affecting the weight. I also with my first didn’t see significant weight loss until 9m pp and with my second 15m pp with zero diet exercise changes. My body was just adjusting and took some time to get back to “normal”