I need stories of your kiddos moving to their own sleep space


New member
My LO is 2 months and we bedshare out of desperation. And contact nap. I keep hearing “so and so slept with their kids and they were in their bed until they were 10” I can tell you I do not want that (fine if you do, I don’t). I love sleeping with my LO for the convenience factor, she sleeps so much better, and I love having her close. And? It just feels right. But I am in so much pain from C curl and husband and I will need our own space again. Am I truly ruining her by doing this? Am I creating a dependent monster?? Please tell me I am not 🥲
@bloodboughtchad I’m in a country (Sweden) where bed sharing is normal. When it’s time some kids have problems adjusting to sleeping in their own bed and some gladly make the change. The way I see it is that I rather “sleep train” an older child that could understand the concept of sleeping alone and that I’m in the next room, rather than a small child that would feel abandoned. In a couple of months you don’t have to sleep in the c-curl so it’s a short time 😊

Edit: my son is 20 month. We bed-share and he is very independent during day time and has no problem napping or sleeping without us. His confidence and strong sense of independence is the first thing people actually notice about him. He is cuddly and affectionate but have no problem playing for hours by himself or leaving our side to explore new environments.
@panhead4god Also for the C curl I have noticed that where my legs are helps. So pillow is a must, but also I realized I was not curled up enough somehow and that was putting more pressure on my hip. It feels a little counterintuitive because you want to leave space for LO (especially if they are tall af like our baby boy is turning out to be) but when my knees are a little bit higher than my hips life is so much better.
@christian002 We really have no recommendations after 4 months when it’s considered safe to bed-share. I read the material and studies that Sweden base this official recommendation on and it’s solid. In Sweden there’s no correlation between SIDS/ infant deaths and bedsharing after 4 months. So I would assume it’s fine after 4 months to just bed share responsible (no alcohol/drugs/nicotine) on your back instead.