I L O V E my Nexplanon


New member
I’m very proud to say I’ve had my Nexplanon for 8 months, and I love it.

To start with, I really like the card they give you that tells you when it has to be taken out. It makes me feel empowered knowing that I won’t have to worry about pregnancy in the next 3 years.

And I, thankfully, have not had a single problem with it. I have only had 2 periods (although one was quite painful) that were so light, I confused one for spotting. I haven’t had any other side effects that people report.

And I get all these benefits without having to do something daily! I get to just do whatever I want knowing I’m protected, no pill taking, patch putting on, or ring insertion!

It just gives me plenty of piece of mind and I love that so much, and it’s so low effort and it’s just great. I’ve told all my friends about it, so maybe one day they’ll try it and hopefully love it too. And now I’m telling reddit about it, so you guys might try it and love it too!
@embemboo I'm on the depo shot and i really wanna change to nexplanon (tried iud but had a failed insertion twice, so I gave up on that option) but all I ever hear is negative things about it and i had a regular nurse tell me it's worse than depo so I would hate it :(
@katrina2017 I also see so many people post here that hate it, but I’m on my 2nd one and I also LOVE it. No periods, no noticeable side effects, and nothing to remember for 3 years.
@rbdupre The only problem I have with depo (been on it for 9 months), after I get the injection, for about a week and half, sometimes two. i get really moody/depressed, have random headaches and cramps and feel, drained? but for the remainder of the 3 months (after those two-ish weeks) i feel fine. but I was told if i got nexplanon it would be like that but constant and the nurse i went to at that time said she wouldn't just "take it out" if i was experiencing a lot of symptoms that made me feel bad
@katrina2017 That’s really unfortunate that so many doctors/nurses are quick to tell women not to get it. My first Gyno recommended it no problem, but my 2nd was surprised I had one and had no issues.

The worst part, by far, was getting my first one taken out and then the 2nd one inserted. A lot more painful and more bruising than the initial insertion.
@katrina2017 I haven’t experienced any mood issues. Can you see a different doctor? It’s pretty normal to give a new medication 6 months or so and then stop if it’s not working out for you so she shouldn’t have said that.
@boozle I have an actual gynocologist i see now, and i can't set up an appointment with her until December because that's when she's available, but when I do I'll ask her about it and see if she thinks it's okay to do for me
depo and nepxlanon are completely different. and just like the medications are different, so are women’s bodies. I know so many people with nexplanon that just don’t talk about it because it’s in their arm and part of their life and nothings bothering them. a lot of time the people that flock to these subs are the ones looking for support. a woman with a good experience doesn’t necessarily need support. it’s a form of confirmation bias
@katrina2017 I have one with 0 issues. No weight gain or anything. I’ve had it for five months now and today I finally got some spotting but that’s all. Honestly, I’d recommend you try it. I’m going to replace mine after the 3 years.
@katrina2017 Recommendations for birth control will always be skewed for the negative, as people are more likely to write about a negative experience than a positive one. I am just at the end of my first 3-year cycle and I will get mine replaced as it’s been a dream! The only thing that wasn’t great was that I was spotting for 3 months straight right after I got the implant. After that, my period stopped completely and I haven’t been worried about pregnancy again!

I have never had an IUD, but I have a retroactive uterus so my cervix is pretty shallow. I would constantly fear that sex might dislodge it.
@katrina2017 Definitely much better than Depo imo. I was on depo for close to 3 years and am coming up on my third with nexplanon. I bled the entire 3 years on depo and it made me really emotional. Dont be afraid to make a change!
@embemboo SAME HERE! I got mine inserted June 2017 so it’s been roughly over a year and a couple months. I had ONE period and since then, it has been smooth sailing for me. I feel really secure knowing that I can always check my arm and know that it’s there and working (as long as it’s still there, it’s working). And my doctor has told me that it can actually keep you protected for four years. I was really worried about side effects as this was my first form of birth control but I haven’t experienced any weight gain, acne, soreness, etc. I LOVE IT.

I know that this isn’t everyone’s experience but I think for every horror story we hear, it’s also worth mentioning that it DOES work well for a large amount of women too.