I got sterilized after one child

@kimberlys I did, i had another abdominal surgery and asked that surgeon if she can do tubectomy also as she is already operating on my abdomen.

Thankfully she said absolutely and did it. So at the age of 30 got my tubes tied
@kimberlys Haven’t yet but I want to! My husband is willing to get a vasectomy but I also want to get my tubes removed for 100% peace of mind! I love having one child but I don’t want more lol
@kimberlys I’m 6mo PP and just got the surgery yesterday along with uterine ablation. My baby has had a terrible first 6mo and is finally on the mend from it all. I feel guilty saying it but I couldn’t wait to get it done, my drs exact words when I asked him about it March were “there’s a quota for how many babies should come out of there and you haven’t hit it” we laughed then he said “it’s your body your decision, I’m taking them out completely” and I didn’t once want to cancel it. Hubs brought up waiting a full year a few times but I knew almost immediately after having her back in November that I didn’t want to do it again. I love her so much but I just couldn’t go through another scary pregnancy (if we even got pregnant again), C-section or another colic/reflux baby.
Just the last week I’ve started to feel happy and like myself again, I have 0 regrets about the surgery.

For those in here looking for a Dr to do it, here’s a list From Dr Fran!

@kimberlys My husband had his vasectomy in December and was just deemed fully sterile a couple months ago. I currently have an IUD so I’ll be getting that out soon. If for some unfortunate reason my husband and I ever split (pls no) I’d book a sterilization surgery for myself asap lol. I cannot mentally deal with another child
@kimberlys I’m in Texas…so that should explain some of this … I was 32 when I had my only and I was having a scheduled c section due to breech status of my daughter. I asked for a tubal as he was already going to be in there delivering the baby and he flat out told me he would not do it as he doesn’t do sterilization of a healthy mother with her first child. He claimed it was a morality thing and that I might not know what I really want yet 🙄 my husband got a vasectomy 3 months after she was born and I got an IUD just in case.
@cinnamonlovely I’m in Canada and it makes me so mad how messed up the states is towards women's rights. I feel like they have too much religious views instilled in their laws. Religion should never be applied to laws it royally messed up the system. Definitely going backwards in time not forward in the right direction.
@kimberlys I did! I had my first baby in January after 2 losses. Hes my OAD. I got sterilized during my c section. No regrets. Sex is somehow better knowing I can’t get pregnant again