I got sterilized after one child


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I’m F 29 with a 2 y/o. I am married and I had my one and only child at 27. A couple months ago during an annual pap i casually asked my dr about getting my tubes tied. I was expecting push back but the only suggestion I got was how about ask if your husband would get a vasectomy bc it’s less invasive but I am very big on bodily autonomy and I wouldn’t ask my partner to do things to their body especially if I’m more willing. Fast forward a month or so and my primary dr met with me for a consultation and described how they prefer to do tubal removal since it lessens chances for cervical cancer and I was all for it. I got my surgery March 28th. It was super fast, recovery was minimal since it was laparoscopic and I only have 3 small incisions one on each side of my hip and one through my belly button. I feel so much better. Motherhood has been extremely difficult for me and I struggle a lot. I love my child and she is an amazing little toddler but i severely underestimated how hard it is being a mother and how much of yourself you lose to it. I also am so relieved to be off of birth control forever. Has anyone else gotten sterilized?
@kimberlys I got laughed out of the doctors when I asked at 27 with an autistic 3 year old. She told me she might refer me and then just never bothered and refuses to again. Annoying thing is i know husband would be accepted for a vasectomy instantly
@kimberlys I haven’t, but my partner is planning a vasectomy. I don’t do well on birth control and he’s always said he’s getting it done so that’s the plan.
@kimberlys I’m so jealous! Also 29 but with a 3 year old. I brought it up to at my annual gyn a couple months ago and was told “Good luck finding a doctor who will do it.” “What if you meet someone and decide you want another.” No thank you. Starting over again sounds like hell, especially as my son is getting older and more independent. I’m not too concerned about it right now since I’m single and not active. I’m happy you were able to get done (it gives me hope)!!
@kimberlys 36 with a 1yr old going to obgyn today to get more info on tubal removal but my new insurance doesn’t cover it. Any specific questions to ask ?
@ohlari I have tri care through the military and it covered mine but I can’t speak to everyone else’s insurance. Also why I asked for it while I was in before I get out this year. I really just brought it up and i didn’t get any push back only asking if I was sure. They even asked if I wanted to go for a hysterectomy but I didn’t want to do all that and have my hormones permanently fucked. But if you have any questions about the procedure or healing and stuff feel free to let me know.
@kimberlys Wish I knew about this procedure prior to switching insurances but willing to pay out of pocket at this point. Was the procedure done at a hospital or outpatient center? How was your recovery?
@kimberlys Not yet but heading that way,

Very much same boat as you, this is really really tough and I don’t think I could be a good parent to two, I love my one though but it’s yeah… exactly how you described it.
@mikpat I can answer this one! I just had my bisalp done on April 29th. They told me that recovery would be two weeks. I had planned on going back to work today but I had a crazy busy day of walking yesterday and barely slept last night. I will be working tomorrow though.

Day of surgery- Monday. I only got narcotics while in hospital. Slow to walk, felt like I had to hold my belly because it was going to fall off.
Tuesday, was sore. Couldn’t stand straight up. Slow walking. Felt like bad period cramps
Wednesday- had a two hour nap after driving kid to school. Showering took a lot of energy.
Thursday was better, pinchy at sites of incisions. Shower still hard. Couldnt stand in shower.
Friday, turn around day for sure. Could walk normally paced, showering was easier. Night time I was exhausted though
Saturday, way better. Showering straight up. Not nearly as hard. Pinchy still.
Sunday- did way more walking than I had all week, pulling pains as if I pulled muscles throughout belly. Exhausted by 7pm yet Was awake half the night. Go figure.
Today, I slept most of today but no pain really. Just more of a body tired.
@kimberlys Hey! I'm getting mine done this Thursday. I also only have one child, she will be turning 1 in two weeks!

Was there anything you noted that was unexpected or you hadn't thought of beforehand, either before, during surgery or during recovery?

Did you do anything to prepare?