I finally went to psychiatrist and I feel like total shit


New member
After initial hello, hello and basic q she asked me in a cold manner do I think I'm capable to take care of my three kids and then I got report from her where she quoted me out of context and when I read this I felt like total shit. I'm taking care of them for a whole year alone.

I expected a talk that was supposed to give me a light and new perspective while instead I got approach as if I'm a laboratory rat.

Edit: this is social professional. I can't afford my own nor chosing between. I have option to quit or continue. I'm curious. I'll continue.
@kervinjacque Ugh I'd run! It only takes saying one wrong thing for things to get worse. There are plenty of competent therapists out there. I was lucky that mine was just so sweet and understanding. I wish you luck in finding one as well.
@redruthie7889 Seconded. If they are questioning your ability they could soon ask CPS to evaluate then you’re under the microscope. And if they have a habit of quoting you out of context, that could be 1000% worse.
@yihew I knew someone who lost partial custody because of this. Can you blame anyone really for getting emotional after losing their child's parent to death? I don't know anyone who would remain calm after the fact really ugh.....
@kervinjacque Nope. Goodbye. Find someone else!

I saw one to help navigate through some of my child’s developmental changes and basically got yelled at because of how my visitation was set up and who the judge was. Like how dare I, even though I wasn’t the one who was a financial and emotional abuser and had an affair and then moved away.
@kervinjacque That's just shitty and the complete opposite of how you should feel. I mean yeah they aren't there I guess to pep you up with compliments but if anything negative I would think would be more constructive criticism. Along with some advice on new outlooks or strategies on how to make something better. If you can, try seeing someone else. This first visit sounds horrible and wouldn't blame you for not going back at all. It sucks to get to that point of thinking maybe I should talk with someone and wind up getting some asshole , hard to feel like it wont keep happening so we just give up. Just dont give up on yourself and you aren't a p.o.s.