I feel tricked


New member
I ( F 23) just welcomed my son into the world almost 5 weeks (tomorrow) ago. My partner ( M 24) and I agreed to have sex, as I have been feeling great! On the terms of using a condom or pulling out. Here is when it gets tricky.. he not only finishes once, BUT TWICE. The first time was without knowledge and the second time he told me and still didn’t do anything about it. I instantly burst into tears and ran straight in the kitchen to take my birth control.

I would have moved, but he was restraining me.

I feel tricked bc I didn’t know he had a condom out until I saw it on the nightstand. I haven’t been taking any contraception bc I hate the way my weight fluctuates, the hormones and we were also in talks of him getting snipped. I’m currently breastfeeding, but again 5 weeks PP. Any tips? I know I was apart of this, but I still feel tricked and extremely dirty. I’m a SA survivor and feeling like this is just bringing up bad memories
@gregorybeck22 My tip is to go get and take Plan B if you are still in the window. Reddit is fuuuulllll of stories of women getting pregnant soon after birth while still breastfeeding (myself included).

I'm sorry your husband assaulted you. You deserve better.
@amals He raped you. Get plan B and talk to your OB so they can assist if you are pregnant again or not, especially since at 5w pp you are at risk of infection from sex as well as pregnancy. They may want to start you on antibiotics.
@gregorybeck22 I'm so, so sorry this happened to you. I don't want to be one of those Reddit comments telling people to break up for no reason, but this sounds pretty serious. Does he do this more often? Or does he disrespect you in other ways? Restraining you to do something sexual you didnt consent to is rape. It's not okay, and the fact that you experienced sexual assault before and he doesn't take that into account makes it even worse. Do you have people around to talk to? You definitely shouldn't have to deal with this alone.
@gregorybeck22 Yeah, you weren't just "tricked", but impregnated without consent. That’s borderlines rape if you ask me. I'm so sorry this happened to you. Do you have any support system or someone you can talk to in real life?
@gregorybeck22 Why did he do that? That is such a disgusting, selfish act on his behalf. He knew and didn’t bother to tell you until after? Knowing you could get pregnant again while being only 5 weeks PP.

You did not consent to that and he knows it, I wouldn’t sleep with him again and you should honestly reflect and see if there’s been other toxic behaviours from him before.

Also take the morning after pill, if you haven’t been on the pill taking it now will do nothing.