I feel like I ruined my body by having a vaginal birth

@thytotodile Can you go back to your OB? Maybe they can recommend a specialist for you? I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this, you shouldn’t be in so much pain.
@hello Both OB’s that I’ve seen have pretty much told me there are no more options for me. I think that’s another reason why I feel so defeated.
@thytotodile This is why people need to stop pushing for vaginal birth if women don't want it. It is a risk whether people like it or not. I'm sorry you felt pressured to do it. I wanted a C section and my doctor shamed me into vaginal knowing the babies head may not fit. I was in labor for over 30 hours, the epidural stopped working, the babies head was not fitting and I ended up in an emergency C section and had to be put under because no numbing was working. All of that stress on myself and my body could have been avoided if she had let me have a C section to begin with. Additionally she scared the hell out of me about having a C section and the risks then I ended up needing one. I am so sorry you are going through all of this. So sorry 😞
@thytotodile I've known people to take awhile to reoccur from a c section too. I know my healing differed from one pregnancy to the other. I felt like this second one kind of messed up my insides a bit whereas the other I bounced back pretty quick.