I feel like I need some sense talked into me

I’m really struggling with the idea of slowing down/resting more. Pre-pregnancy, I lifted 6 days a week and got 10k steps minimum, usually more. Since being pregnant, I’ve been able to keep lifting 6 days, though some days o cut some of my volume if I’m not feeling it. Step count has been down the whole time. I hit 10k maybe 4-5 times a week and rarely go over.

I’ll be 33 weeks tomorrow and for some reason, I feel like I’ve been hit by a bus today. Just extreme fatigue. I know the obvious thing to do is to rest today, but my body dysmorphia is really messing with my head telling me I ate poorly all weekend, Monday is never my rest day, etc.

I feel like I’m really struggling to give myself permission to slow down and I’m looking for… encouragement? I’m not even sure.
@madamimadaminchrist SLOW DOWN

Give yourself a break! You are literally creating another human being! Listen to whatever your body is telling you to do and do it. If it's sleep more, sleep! Eat more, eat! Move more, move!

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