I can’t stop drinking soda

I had pretty much eliminated soda from my diet when I got pregnant. I drank mostly sparkling water. Water now sounds disgusting and makes me gag and I crave coke and Dr Pepper every day. I really worry about feeding my baby only junk and sugar but I am having such a hard time getting in any water. :/ advice welcome but mostly venting. I’m 14 weeks today.
@ancientpathshepherdess Plain water during my first trimester makes me soooo sick. Have you tried it ICE cold with lemon? Flavored sparkling water? What about Zevia sodas? Poppi prebiotic sodas are good too! Dr. Pepper is a huge craving of mine and soooo many other preggos I know! I give in once in a while. Honestly, pregnancy is all about survival.
@ancientpathshepherdess I had to have iced tea from the bagel store or Coke. I loved Diet Coke and Coke Zero, but I was like if I’m going to do it might as well have the real deal. A fountain Coke from McDonald’s? I would WHIP into the parking lot for one. Now I have a healthy happy 3 month old. Enjoy your soda mama 😉
@ancientpathshepherdess How do you feel about iced tea? I bought a bottom emptying tea infuser and some tasty fruity herbal loose leaf teas and I've been living off of that. I just brew 12oz at a time with 4 teaspoons of tea, and then when it's ready pour over a 24oz cup filled to the top with ice. It is so tasty and counts toward my water intake even though it just tastes sweet and like mango!

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