I can’t let my husband’s inabilities hinder us


New member
Of course I’m the SAHP but my husband is a business owner and works from home with a very flexible schedule. Of course he could go with us to our outings which are 1-3 hours every few days but he never comes. When I show him pictures, he gives a sad face and says I wish I could have been there.

As I’m writing this, I’m taking pictures but I won’t share them with him because he can go.

I do know he smokes weed on the garage when we’re not here. He seems to always have time for that.

Our baby is 14 months and I’m doing sleep training and.l bath time. I do our 1 hour bed time routine every night while my husband does what? Smoke. He don’t even tell his baby good night. At no point does he say I’m going to do the routine with you then go smoke. I don’t have an issue with him smoking. Just want to point that out.

I’m trying to potty train our baby. Today was the first day and baby successfully went earlier but this evening he was crying and didn’t want to be on the potty. My husband is like, can he just get up? Does he have to do that? I’m tired of hearing him cry. Please don’t be triggered. like, you knew you were saying something fucked up to me. I’m raising our baby and teaching to eat, and sleep on his own, and other activities and he just can’t be fucking bothered. I was out with the baby all morning and the baby was napping when we returned. He barely had to interact with our baby.

Baby and I went to the library this morning then grocery shopping. Baby needed to eat. I’m calling my husband to fix him something. He sounded so stupid saying he didn’t know what to fix him. No, you do, yo ass just lazy. I wanted to hang up so bad. Luckily there were leftover that he heated up.

We bring in the groceries. He cooks lunch. Does not put away the groceries. They are still sitting in the kitchen in the bags. Then later on he’ll ask if I need help with anything.

How do I address some of these concerns with him? Without sounding like I’m complaining. I’m the type to let it fester and explode. And I think I’m already past the place of just being able to calmly talk about it no unfortunately.

I can’t let him hinder us and not do things with and for my baby because he should be doing it too. He should be doing potty training since we have a boy.
@debus How come you want to sound like you're not complaining? You're right to complain. Complaining is not a bad thing. It's simply voicing your dissastisfaction.

The longer you let it fester without telling him, the longer you will feel dissatisfied. The more the resentment will build. Tell him how you feel. Ask him to step up and be an equal partner and an equal dad. His response will tell you everything you need to know.

Also, your child is too young to potty train.
@greenrock I have heard of elimination communication.

I’m from one of those cultures and my mom did it with me. I wouldn’t describe it as potty training early though. It’s just catching pees and poos.
@jebadoa He’s used the potty before. He can go when I put him on majority of the time.

Any time I voice my dissatisfaction with anything it comes across as a complaint and like I’m being ungrateful for what he’s doing.
@jebadoa Pays the bills
Washes the clothes, I fold and put away
Let’s me sleep in sometimes
Keeps the baby 1x a week for solo time out of the house
Keeps baby while I cook
Sometimes does nap time
Cooks sometimes, like 1-2x a week