I’m so sick of feeling like I’m always doing something wrong…


New member
Sorry I feel like I’m going to explode and this is sub makes me feel like I have a community.

My husbands attitude toward me last night was such a slap in the face and I’m having a hard time talking myself down.

He’s been working 14 hr days most of this week and yesterday he informed me he would be working late again. I sent him a nice text thanking him for working really hard and that our family appreciates him. He got home around 9 pm and I didn’t hear his car pull in the driveway and our security camera was inside so I didn’t get an alert. He came into the house very pissy which I thought was due to his long day. He smelled like weed and I made a comment on it and he snapped at me saying why I didn’t come out to the garage to smoke with him? I was like uhhh I literally didn’t know you were home? I explained I didn’t hear his car pull in and I guess he just didn’t believe me? Ok whatever.

I had made salmon for dinner (at 6pm) and wrapped his plate up and put it in the fridge which INFURIATED him. Apparently I was supposed to leave it out. I told him you can’t leave fish out for hours- you’ll get sick. He didn’t want to hear that. So I did what any good wife would do and got a pan out to heat it up. I asked if he wanted butter or oil and he says in a snarky tone “forget it I’m not hungry anymore”. I knew he was so I offered to make him a sandwhich. His body language is extremely pissy and he just keep glaring not at me but around the room. I told him multiple times I would make him food and he kept refusing. Finally we head off to bed and normally he would take a shower (he works construction) and he flops onto our WHITE bed, dirty. I wasn’t going to press the issue so I get into bed and touch his arm and say goodnight. Again his body language is extremely hostile and after about 15 mins he goes “so I guess I’m not getting a blow job”…..

I was SEEEEEEETHING but nicely said I wasn’t feeling good (he knows I’ve had a sore throat- both of our kids are sick) and I’m on my period. He scoffs and rolls over. Whatever, good enough.

Lucky for me both of our kids were up up night coughing and uncomfortable so I was up from 12:30-4am. Just as I am getting some sleep my husband wakes up at 5:30 and stomps around the room and aggressively shuts every door which wakes me up.

I’m so fucking tired and annoyed at his behavior. I’m so fucking tired of being made to feel like I’m doing something wrong. I normally text him good morning but I’m not doing it today after the way he acted. He calls me just now saying how “his needs weren’t met last night”. He could clearly hear I’m not doing well and asks what’s wrong so I tell him how my night went and how I’m not arguing with him about his temper tantrum last night. He hung up on me saying “yep now I’m the bad guy”

Ugh. Fuck me.
@drawingangel2 Wow it sounds like you have another child on your hands. I definitely wouldn't be blowing him after the way he treated you. I probably wouldn't be making him food or anything until he apologizes for acting like a child.
@drawingangel2 OP -- I recently left a narcissist and it's probably the hardest thing I've ever done. But I also feel the positive effects of it every day. If/when you decide to leave, know that you can get through it, even on the days where the subtle trauma of it all hits you like a truck. Sending good vibes, reach out if you need
@drawingangel2 What the hell? Did he really think he could be a huge jerk to you and then get a blow job? That would hurt my feelings so bad. I’m sorry but he sounds like a very mean person.
@april0485 Well he did say something along the lines of “I have been waiting for you to tell me to take a shower” as like some type of hint? Like after acting like an ass he wanted me to give him the que I was still going to suck his dick. Which is laughable
@drawingangel2 That's insanity. If my husband ever spoke that way to me he'd be on the couch and I wouldn't be speaking to him until he apologizes. Needs clean clothes? Nahh. Need food? Nahh me only. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
@pleasenext I wish I had the guts to do that. I definitely don’t plan on speaking to him today

Edit to add. I was supposed to wash his work clothes today but I guess that will slip my mind 🤷🏼‍♀️