I’m so happy for my friend who just announced her pregnancy but I’m sobbing because it’s not me


New member
We’re waiting until my job situation stabilises (i just started freelancing) and we’ve moved house and settled in, at the very least. This is proving more difficult due to the current crisis (less work available and some savings lost due to the crash).

In the mean time, I’m starting to sometimes doubt my relationship. We do love each other but we’re going through a bit of a rough spot and both feel very distant from each other. I was really truly believing that we’d work on it through spring and be stronger for it, then move and then develop a more concrete timeline for having a baby. However being unable to go out and the stress of the current situation is really affecting both our mental health and not helping.

I hate the uncertainty but there’s no way to form a more decisive time line yet. At best, it will be longer before we can try, at worst this was my last chance.

Not sure where I’m going with this but I just had to get it off my chest.
@goldenrule636 I mean, if you're doubting your relationship, a baby isn't the time to consider it. This unfortunate trial we're all going through right now we'll help us see who can make it. Best of luck to you.