I’m in tears…

@bobezeh Parent of a baby who slept in 45-90 minutes at a time until 8.5 months checking in! 🙋‍♀️ I could have written this. I would get sooo annoyed (and still do) at parent complaining about baby sleeping 4 hour stretches. Or people who were like oh, I just did this one thing and then my baby slept through to the night. Nope! We added a 30 minute routine around 4-5 months and that helped a tiny bit. Stopped feeding to sleep. We tried different gentle and gradual things that seemed to work for others. Nope. Still couldn’t fall asleep alone and we’d end up waking up all night to rock him back to sleep. My husband and I basically slept poorly in shifts from when he was born until a couple weeks ago.

I never thought I would be that parent, but at 8.5 months we did full extinction CIO sleep training. It was the best decision we could have made. Anything gradual just seemed to escalate him bc he wanted to be held once he saw us. I’m not gonna lie, it was brutal. He cried for 2 hours the first night before going to sleep. (Again, hate all the parents who complain about how hard it was to watch their baby cry for 30 minutes!) I’m convinced some babies are just difficult to get to sleep no matter what, like there is no easy way, it’s just different levels of hard. Our baby is an angel when it comes to literally anything but sleep. But the second night, he cried 15 minutes. And since then it’s usually about 5-15 minutes of fussing before he’s out…and then he sleeps for hours. Last night he slept without needing comforting from like 8pm to 2am. I’m starting to get enough sleep to do more than barely minimum functioning for the first time since he was born and it feels amazing.

So, all that to say that if you need to, it’s okay to do less gentle methods. I promise your baby will still love you just as much. Having a baby that doesn’t sleep leaves you exhausted and bitter. My husband and I were getting resentful of each other when there were nights the other got more sleep. It’s rough out there. Hang in there. You’re not alone with your terrible sleeper.
@karmel Wow! It’s impressive you made it to 8.5 months. Thanks for sharing. And thanks for agreeing that other parents complaining is annoying 🙈
@bobezeh Honestly I wish we had done CIO earlier. I think I felt like it meant I was failing as a parent somehow to resort to that. But in the end I think it was actually less stressful for our baby bc it was like one really hard night vs slower methods that drag things out. Also, if you want some validation for baby sleep struggles, I highly recommend reading Precious Little Sleep. It’s super helpful but also super validating.
@bobezeh Oh man you make me feel like a shit mom lol. When i put my baby down and by the time i get to the living room, he’s awake and crying, there’s always an audible “FOR F*** SAKE!” as I storm back up there just to smile and gently try to rock him back to sleep. I love him so much but i wish the little bugger would nap longer than 20 minutes!
@danit1999 I feel you. So far we’re just working on helping her fall asleep in the crib (not on us). After that we’ll move to letting her go to sleep completely by herself.
@bobezeh Something I tried with false starts was redoing our bedtime routine, or at least part of it. Ours is jammies, book, song, sleep. So if I redo it I read one short book and listen to our song while I rock her a bit. It didn't always worl, but sometimes it did.
@bobezeh You're welcome! Basically like a "reset". I only did it if it had been less than an hour since she fell asleep. Otherwise I didn't really consider it a false start.
@sunilbenjamin Wow really! This whole time I have been thinking she’s overtired… I will have to work on keeping her awake and active more during the day. I already feel like it’s so much that I’m tired but I know I can always do more. Thank you!!!
@sunilbenjamin She’s usually awake for around 2 hours at a time. In the past couple weeks her wake windows seem to have gotten way longer quickly so I’m always messing around with them and trying to follow her cues. Also, she’s been sleeping late (and so have I) so that’s been affecting our schedule as well. She’s currently taking 3 naps that are about 45 minutes long, unless one happens to be out and about and she stays asleep in the car seat longer. I think if we were really starting our day around 6:45-7 am like we were before this regression, she would still be taking 4 naps sometimes…
No matter what, I’ve been putting her to sleep by 8:15/8:30 latest. Usually 7:30 is our golden standard.