I’m a little worried but the sane part of me is saying it’s just stress


New member
My period is 7 days late and I’m starting to get worried.

Current cycle started Jan 20 = CD 1.

Period ended Jan 24 = CD 5

(Mostly) protected sex on Jan 27 = CD 8.
- He tried to stick it in without a condom at first and there was precum. Put on condom after maybe half a thrust.

Apple Wrist Temp initially suggested ovulation occurred on Feb 3 = CD 15.
- It has since changed to Feb 10 = CD 22. Which makes sense given the 7d late. This date is shifting as each day goes on.

Very unprotected sex on Feb 17 = CD 29.

Period predicted to start around Feb 18 = CD 30.

It’s currently Feb 24 = CD 36.

Some notes:
- I have an extremely regular cycle of 28-29 days with max 1 day differentials.
- February was a very work stressful month for me and I was sick for most of the month until Feb 19 = CD 31. But illness hasn’t influenced my period before. Work stress maybe a day.
- According to wrist temp, I typically get my period 11-12 days after the predicted ovulation date.
- Prior to CD 28, wrist temp was at baseline.
- A 0.4 degree increase from baseline on CD 25 and CD 28. Unfortunately my watch didn’t track CD 26 and 27.
- A 0.7-0.8 degree increase from baseline on each of CD 29, 30 and 31. Temp is back at baseline since CD 32 and until today.
- I’ve had some sharp cramps for the past 2-3 days, but once a day at most. They feel like my usual cramps that happen right before period.
- Some cloudy white discharge (consistency of hair conditioner maybe) past 2-3 days. Usually discharge stops 3-4 days before my period starts.
- Definitely peeing a lot more but this could just be nothing since I do drink a lot of water.
- Not on any hormonal birth control and no known conditions (e.g PCOS).

Could I be pregnant or eventually get pregnant from this schedule? I’m more worried that stress delayed my ovulation enough such that unprotected sex on CD 29 was in the danger zone.

I will take a test if period doesn’t show up in the next few days but wanted some opinions until then. Thank you.
@yendys You can get pregnant yes. It sounds like this wrist temp is not reliable, so if you’re using this as a method of birth control, I highly suggest you start taking your temps and tracking them yourself. A test is accurate two weeks after sex and definitive after three.
@rjl I actually just discovered wrist temperature this week! I work with data so thought it was super cool … until it wasn’t and I realized my period is late.

There’s no point taking a test at this point right now, is that correct? Period is 7d late and it’s only been a week since the second sex date. I highly doubt sex on Jan 27 could result in pregnancy so I’m almost certain a test will show negative at this point.
@yendys Unfortunately there's no way to be sure without testing, tests are mostly accurate 14 days after sex and definitive after 21 days. As the other commenter has said, wrist temp isn't an accurate way to track.
@tjcomedy Not pregnant! Period was just 2 weeks late (which hasn’t happened in at least 5 years). Scary stuff, per my calculations, I ovulated probably really close to the time I had unprotected sex so lesson learned.