How to make your Son(s) resent and hate you


New member
Hello, this is a son.

I have a father.

I resent every inch of his being. He fucked up my whole life to begin with. Here is how.

A) Get a kid to gain citizenship. And/or Social Status.

Like seriously. Don't you think we dont see and feel your real reasons? The whole dynamic is "what can this little creature do for 'me'". Imposter Dumbass.

B) Never let him do stuff on his own, Never allow him to learn to care for himself. Always take things out of his hand. But demand it from him when he is grown. And Blame him for not knowing or not doing stuff.

I hope this is self explanatory

C) Make Gifts, not Investments

This is Huge!
Related to A). If you want him to hate you, buy him stuf and more stuff he neither needs nor wants and that just "shows off" how much you "care" for him(i.e. status symbols). If you want him to hate you you should never ever accept any of his No's and create a relationship of Drama. Of Course your Son causes it. If your Son has any interest in anything make jokes about it how its "not worth" and he is "just a little kid" or w/e. Stop buying your son stuff. It's neither what he needs nor what he wants. He likes a Sport? Get him enrolled in it. He doesnt like the sport you like him to do? SO WHAT? Serious advice: Enroll him in his sport anyways. Go to his Competitions. Look out for Workshops he could attend, look at his hobbies and interests and make him have those training. It will be much more worth than this 300$ jacket you buy him so he "looks nice". Most workshops for half that price will give him skills and experience that increases his life quality down the road by much more than expensive Items. Even if you want to show off with him, start by investing into his skills. And by his skills i mean HIS skills. Not what you think what he should become. If he likes Swimming more than Football but you think swimming is gay so you keep bringing him to football, you both wont be happy down the road. Make sure he advances in skills he has an aptitude for and quits things that are not a good fit for him and that he doesnt love. You should be able to see it by what he likes to do

D) Never praise any of his accomplishments and keep demanding and/or making jokes as your primary way of communicating with him

E) make negative comments about everything.

F) Never supporting financial and interpersonal independence

Interpersonal independence? Yes i just made it up. For Example: DO NOT BUY HIM: resenting him and denying him access to courses etc if he doesnt want to go out with you to x or y.

could relate to A) but if you are not positive and can, again, not rationally explain things you are only setting your son up for hating you and being a failure himself

Finally, if you want to raise a good son, think of a good instructor you know. How he teaches, gives advice, enjoys life. You are the Voice in his head for at least the next 25-50 years, if not for life. You are his God. You are his Guide. If you think he is a fuckup, its mostly the effect of your voice, commands, rules, comments, etc. in his head. The structure of School is a good one to try to emulate if you accidently got a son without knowing anything.

More Good advice: No Technology, i mean 0, at all. No Television, No Video Games, No Smartphone. The last thing is debateable when he is grown but TV and Games usually do more harm than good even when he becomes very "passionate" and/or "accomplished"

This Post may seem a little unstructured and confused, because I AM. Your Son is not your Buddy. Your Son needs a father. Your Daughters need a father, too. No Smothering with affection or money. If you do not have/had ACTIVE and REAL relationships(FRIENDSHIPS) to other males, consider getting kids a no no.
@lovejc Hello,

I haven't had the poor excuse as a father you have had but I have not had one at all either since about 10. I think about these sorts of things now, especially since this year I became a father.

I don't have much to say unfortunately but did want to correct you. He didn't fuck up your whole life. His actions make my blood boil but you still have the opportunity to be the person you aspire to be despite him.

I also want to say I've thought about writing something like this to my father.

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