How to make baby carrier warmer for winter walks


New member
Hi! First time posting. I’d like to use my Infantino 4-in-1 Convertible Carrier for winter walks (where I live is quite cold) without having to purchase a new winter coat that wraps around the carrier. I could bundle baby up in layers but would that be enough? Has anyone had success with any creative ideas to keep baby warm while being outside in the carrier? Like a blanket safety-pinned to the front of your coat or something to go across the carrier?
@twinklesamir I legit just wear my husband's big zip up sweaters and zip it over the carrier. I also layer up the baby and wear my winter coat. I live in Canada, current temp is about -10 C.
I did this last year with a baby.

This year my toddler is too big for that, so I dress him for winter and put him outside my coat. This works better with layers of fleece on both of you instead of slippery outerwear. I am also in Canada.
@twinklesamir I live in Upstate NY and ended up buying this cover. Unfortunately, it looks like it’s sold out right now, but I cannot recommend it enough. It is one of those items that’s worth every penny. It’s so easy to use and I feel confident when I’m trudging around in the snow that my babe is toasty warm because the outer shell material is the same as winter coats.
@korniszonek I second this. I live in Canada and this thing keeps my 2 month old cozy when I'm playing in the back yard with my bigger kids. It also helps keep me warm because it has clips to hold my regular winter coat snuggled around her as far as it can go. She just needs a good hat, but otherwise plenty warm in just her regular clothes under this cover.
@twinklesamir You can safety pin blankets instead of buying an expander. Or use a shawl/giant scarf.

But baby shares your heat so it’s usually pretty toasty if you’re moving.