How long are your weight sessions?

I had to take off some time during the IVF process, and the meds were kicking my butt anyway so I had already scaled back.

Aside from horrible nausea, I’m able to get back to working out daily again (7 weeks). I’m running 4x a week and lifting 3x. I went back to a simpler template so I could easily modify as needed, but I’m concerned it’s not enough? I finish in 30-40 minutes most sessions, even as I’m getting my working weights back up to where they were.

My schedule looks like:

Workout A: squat, bench, bb row (all 3x5), & 4-6 accessories (mostly 3x10-15)

Workout B: OHP (3x5), deadlift (1x5), hip thrusts (3x5), & 4-6 accessories.

My goals are to maintain fitness, muscle mass, and strength as much as possible, keep my glucose under control (GDx2), hopefully avoid pulling my back this time, and minimize unnecessary weight gain. Thoughts?

How long are you lifting weights? Is a half hour 3x a week enough for my goals?
@cptbobproffesoromemeology Based on your program above, it sounds like you're doing 19-27 total sets in each workout. I have no idea how you're getting all that done in 30 minutes! It's definitely ok to reduce volume, especially if you're using heavier weight. It takes a LOT less to maintain muscle and strength than it does to build, so 30 min full body 3x/week should be plenty!

I've been lifting (at home, dumbbells and KBs) usually 5x/week for most of pregnancy, and workouts have been about 45min each. Around the end of 2nd/start of 3rd trimester, I cut back to 3 days per week. At 33 weeks now, I've felt a huge drop in energy and increase in recovery time, so I'm switching my resistance training to about 30% weights and 70% resistance bands/suspension trainer/bodyweight.

Edit: format
@nazerbruhiljc I don’t really rest in between, and do a lot of super setting (for everything except deadlift). I like the intensity for sure!

Thanks for sharing! I have dumbells and banda at home as well (I exclusively workout at home but we have a rack in the garage) and rely on those when I really just don’t feel like doing a full workout.

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