How important is progesterone?


New member
Hi Cautious friends,
Had some spotting (5w6d) and went in for an ultrasound. Asked the team to test progesterone too because my mom had low progesterone and lost 3 pregnancies.

Well, most everything came back pretty ok. HR is low but not badly (101, vs my 6w0d loss at 81), hCG is 22k (10x levels with my loss), and other measurements were fine — GS on the big side, CRL on the small side, but in range. Bleed was from a pretty big SCH (2x4cm).

But, progesterone is 9.5 ng/mL (~30 nmol/ l), which everything suggests is super low.

Would love advice — thanks a ton.
@yelhsalove A couple things…

Most doctors I know and work with say anything around 10 is great for progesterone.

Also, low progesterone is a symptom of an abnormal pregnancy. It’s actually rare to have a true progesterone deficiency in a normal pregnancy. Low progesterone is a symptom of a miscarriage, not the cause of it. 🫶🏻

This why many doctors don’t believe in supplementing. It can cause the body to hold onto a pregnancy that isn’t healthy. But it doesn’t hurt to try. ❤️
@yelhsalove Seconding this. Oral progesterone has not been proven to raise/maintain levels. I think some people have success with progesterone in oil injections but those are reserved for folks with true deficiency which are very few and far between. That being said, supplementing won’t hurt if it makes you feel more comfortable!

Also, your progesterone fluctuates a ton during the day. It’s very likely you could have two very different levels within hours of each other. You may have just caught it at a low time 🤷🏻‍♀️ if it was less than 5, then I would potentially be more concerned. But you’re also early so I wouldn’t expect it to be super high right now. Congrats and hang in there!
@yelhsalove The way my OB explained it to me was that progesterone supplementation might not help, but it wouldn’t be harmful.

I miscarried my first pregnancy w/ low progesterone but healthy HCG doubling rate + even a heartbeat found at 6.5 weeks. With the second pregnancy, I started spotting at the same time as I had with the miscarriage. I was convinced I was going to miscarry again, but the bleeding stopped the same day as starting progesterone supplementation. My daughter is 3yo now and I love her to pieces. Totally worth the disgusting mess that is Crinone.

I’m pregnant again for the third time and had Crinone prescribed before I even got the BFP so I could start it immediately. Good luck hon!
@yelhsalove There seems to be one school of doctors who think there’s no evidence progesterone supplements matter and one who thinks they are essential. I was spotting at 4w and was immediately prescribed progesterone by my pcp because my levels have historically been low while they waited for a confirmation test. It was indeed low and I stayed on it all of first tri. Under 10 is pretty low and I don’t think you’re wrong to ask for it. But you might get some “it doesn’t matter” from certain doctors.
@yelhsalove If you have a SCH I would definitely suggest the progestrone suppositories! My RE was originally gonna have me discontinue them but then they found a small SCH she said to stay on them for another week or two and add 400mg daily of magnesium. Your progestrone does honestly sound low so if anything it won't hurt just help. I highly suggest you get the vaginal suppositories not the oral version as the suppositories absorb much better than the oral version
@yelhsalove My doctors didn’t want me on progesterone supplements. They believed it was a sign of a bad pregnancy. I pushed for supplements and got them, but ended up with a mmc, but that could be unrelated.
@yackleen 200 mg suppository (as 2 orbs) — my doctor was super clear with me that she didn’t think it would do anything, but she was ok with me doing it anyway. Hope you get great news ❤️

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