How do y’all do it?

@chadfrommudvayne I can't speak about the wife part, since I refused to get married, had to escape and dodged a bullet, but being a mom is EXHAUSTING.
We put all our energy, love and devotion into our little ones... sometimes we forget to think about ourselves lol
I'm not sure what the circumstances are for you, but if you're doing a phenomenal job raising your child, then you're already doing a phenomenal job as a wife (that's just my opinion though).
I hope you can get some rest! :)
@psychosarah Thank you so much! It’s true, it’s so easy to forget about yourself when you’re in mom mode all day.

It sounds like you’re doing a phenomenal job as a mom and I hope you rest well too!
@chadfrommudvayne I don’t know, but I’m trying to date with a 15 month old and I’m like “I got one night in me and that’s it”.

Kinda wish we were in the couch potato stage.
@chadfrommudvayne What helped me (I have an almost 2 year old) was my husband taking over when he gets home from work, I cook dinner but he handles our sons bath and bedtime routine and also plays with him while I cook and clean up. I’m still tired from the day but I’ve been given enough of a break that I still feel like I can talk to my husband about his day and we can spend quality time together and maybe even have enough energy to have some fun before bed.
@chadfrommudvayne 1.5 and 3.5 year olds here! Sometimes we have a show that we watch together so we’ll couch potato together lol We spend weekends together as a family so we see each other then lol we’re lucky that we have help from our parents too! For example, tomorrow we’re setting up our Christmas tree and they’ll be going to my MIL’s house so we’ll have some quality time together then. For our “intimate” time we have to plan out the days. Not romantic but it works. We aim to be intimate 2 times a week and usually we can achieve that by planning in advance.
@chadfrommudvayne I go to bed early as soon as the kids are down and wake up early. If my husband wants to spend time together, he can get up early too. It is getting easier now that the kids are 3-8. Today we spent time together cleaning, repairing stuff, and cooking while the kids played. Fun fun.
@chadfrommudvayne I honestly have no idea, that pretty much killed my relationship because my husband started asking for permission for a mistress... pretty much as soon as I should have been healed from birth. Ha.
@chadfrommudvayne Girl we have an 18 month old and are in the same exact boat. Being parents in physically, mentally and emotionally exhausting. Just know your not alone in this. We put LO down at 8pm and literally just sit on the couch and hardly move lol. I do have hope that it gets better though.