How do I stop worrying about the “numbers?”


New member
I am obsessive over how many oz my baby eats per day, especially after a period of her not “gaining enough” between 1 and 2 months (she was gaining 19.7 g per day when doctor wanted her at 20-30 g per day).

She’s now 3.5 months and had a good gain at her last weight check (20 oz in 3 weeks- yay!). Pediatrician wants her to eat 24-30 oz per day, which we’ve been tracking for about 5 weeks now.

The last few weeks she was eating about 24-26 oz per day, but the last several days it’s been more like 21-23 oz per day. I honestly don’t know what to do. I can’t get her to eat more for the life of me, and I don’t want to create a bottle aversion. I just get so concerned about her hitting 24 each day, and she hasn’t been, which is freaking me out. My husband is not concerned and has literally had to take the bottle out of my hand because I just so desperately want her to finish.

My daughter otherwise seems healthy- minimal spit up, normal poops, etc. She just decides she’s done with the bottle and then that’s it.

I keep thinking that as her mom it’s my responsibility to make sure she eats, and she just hasn’t been hitting the 24 oz lately. Is this concerning? How do I stop obsessing?
@hasibiz If she is trending around the recommended amount of OZ I would not be worried. They are tiny humans, and just like me and you are hungrier more some days, than others. My LO will fluctuate around 4-5oz up or down day by day.

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