How did you reveal your pregnancy to your S.O.?


New member
Since we've been TTC since January 2016, I had a LOT of time to plot a surprise reveal for my husband... however I knew as soon as I found out that I couldn't wait to tell him, so my big plan was foiled!

I planned on a "Guardians of the Galaxy" themed surprise at home... "Guardians of the Baby". We have a huge dog who looks/acts like Groot and a little cat who looks/acts like Rocket. I made really makeshift costumes for them out of Tshirts. I wanted to decorate the entire living room to look like a galaxy, play the "O-o-h Child" song from the soundtrack, and dress myself up as Gamora, but when I found out I was pregnant I had about 15 minutes to pull everything together before my husband walked in.

I threw everything together as best as I could and set up my camera to record everything, but when he walked in he said "WTF are you doing??". He clearly didn't get it. I tried to explain, but he didn't hear me, and he kept dropping the F-bomb. I was like OMG this is NOT going well, wow, I can't believe this is how he's reacting to our pregnancy!

So, the surprise def didn't go as planned and I can't show anyone the video because it's so vulgar and embarrassing lol. Once he did figure it out, however, he was the SWEETEST and started crying, so all-in-all it went well!

TL;DR: Tried to surprise husband with "Guardians of the Baby" themed pregnancy reveal, didn't work at all.
@narasa12 We started trying 3rd Jan 2015. By the time I got my BFP we were waiting for our fertility clinic appointment which was booked in for early Feb 2016. On 1st Jan 2016 I'd started cramping and spotting and had assumed we were out, so we'd already gone through the grief of another failed cycle by the time I tested for no real reason other than I had a 'feeling' and am a sucker for punishment on the 3rd.

It was about 8am the morning before we went back to work after Christmas and I crawled into bed and resumed my usual cuddle position and whispered into his ear that I thought we might have to cancel that clinic appointment after all and waited for him to register what I'd just said. It took a moment or two but the look on his face was priceless, and will go down as one of my most favourite moments ever.
@narasa12 Ha! I always wanted to tell him in a cute way, but totally failed.

I came out of the bathroom with a Wonfo cheapie and said, "uh, you need to look at this and tell me if I'm crazy." After 3 years of seeing Wondfo OPKs, he thought that's what I was holding. He said, "ugh, I guess we need to make time for it." I realize he thought I was talking about ovulation timing and said, "yo... this is a pregnancy test...." He got wide eyed and immediately asked the dogs if they were going to be a good big brother and sister. So cute. I took one of my backup Clearblue Digital and he immediately snapped a photo to share with his gaming buddies. Called his dad 5 min later.

So, it wasn't a fun surprise, but it was still great.
@ruin225018 Yeah I ruined the cute surprise too :(

My period was 2 days late but I thought there was no way I was pregnant, based on the timing of ovulation/sex that month. I woke up needing to pee at like 5am or something, so I took a test. I didn't bother looking at it I just brought it back to the bedroom and put it on the bedside and was like "eh I'll look when I wake up later, it'll be negative anyway."

Couple of minutes later I hadn't gone back to sleep yet so I thought well it'll have results by now, might as well check. I turned on my bedside lamp and even in the dim light I saw a line. I was shocked but in denial. I walked out to the kitchen where my SO was already getting ready for work and was like "um don't get too excited just in case, but do you see a line?" He said he did so I told him I'd buy a different test and do it again the next morning just to check.

Next day, still positive.
@narasa12 I woke up early cause I needed to pee. It was the day after I was expecting my period so I figured I would test. He was still sleeping. I ran in, slapped him a bit and told him he had to wake up right fuckin now. I then shoved the pee stick under his nose and said "look". All very romantic.

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