How are you approaching stopping BC with Roe v Wade overturned?


New member
We wanted to start trying early next year so I was originally planning to get my implant out this summer so I can start charting a few cycles beforehand, but I’m a little concerned about getting it out sooner than strictly necessary given Roe v Wade getting overturned. Would love to hear how other folks are thinking about BC now with these very fun and flirty changes to our fundamental human rights.
@nountaineer I think you have to be prepared for BC to fail. So don’t get your implant out until you could deal with an ‘oopsie’ even if timing wasn’t ideal.

(Just to note, I’m in a different country so not impacted by RvsW but this was my thought process anyway)
@nountaineer My implant is due to come out next March. My husband already told me to get another one in case it’s made illegal too. I may consider that but by then it could already be illegal so who knows. Do I want to not go through with the plan next year, no. But the idea of pregnancy terrifies me right now. The potential of a missed miscarriage or ectopic and not being able to do anything about that scares the crap out of me. I could possibly die because of not being able to get the healthcare I need to survive. I’m angry and my heart hurts
@lwalrod So I was feeling the same way! I have been hearing a lot of people saying miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies would be “banned” or not treated. So I decided to read the Texas anti-abortion legislation and I found this:

“Abortion" means the act of using or prescribing an instrument, a drug, a medicine, or any other substance, device, or means with the intent to cause the death of an unborn child of a woman known to be pregnant [an act or procedure performed after pregnancy has been medically verified and with the intent to cause the termination of a pregnancy other than for the purpose of either the birth of a live fetus or removing a dead fetus].

The term does not include birth control devices or oral contraceptives.

An act is not an abortion if the act is done with the intent to:
(A) save the life or preserve the health of an unborn child;
(B) remove a dead, unborn child whose death was caused by spontaneous abortion; or
(C) remove an ectopic pregnancy.
(4-a) "Ectopic pregnancy" means the implantation of a fertilized egg or embryo outside of the uterus.”

Of course this is just Texas, and each state will have their own legislation, but I just thought I would share.
@nountaineer I'm planning on getting my Mirena IUD out 2-3 months before our wedding (which won't be until 2024). I'll probably want to use condoms from that point until after the wedding*. I live in California, so right now I can still legally access abortion services. If that were not the case and I didn't have an IUD, I would order abortion pills in the mail to have as an option.

Worth noting that ectopic pregnancies cannot be terminated using the same medications as other pregnancies, and IUDs should be removed prior to any medication abortions.

*if your partner isn't a big fan of average condoms, Skyn is a good brand to check out as well as My One
@gusrebound Just want to reiterate that if you have an IUD and find yourself pregnant, you must have it removed before taking abortion pills. It’s dangerous to not.

Also, if you have an IUD and get pregnant, you are at an increased chance of having an ectopic pregnancy. If you are able to get to the doctor for an ultrasound, do that before taking the pills in addition to the IUD removal.
@nountaineer I’m in exactly the same frame of mind. I was hoping to get off the pill this Sunday to start tracking my cycles for TTC early next near. Definitely cried today. Cried for me. For my niece. For my future children. For everyone that won’t have the ability to govern their body.
@nountaineer I've been thinking about this all day. My IUD expires in December which is when we were thinking of trying but the more I think about it, the more I lean towards pushing it back to August 2023. I want to lose weight before TTC and I am also concerned that I will need to be on bloodthinners and have some other restrictions during pregnancy due to genetic factors. I know I'll be travelling quite a ways to my friends' wedding next summer and I have some other career and timing considerations too. I'm not sure whether I want to do another IUD or use condoms for 8 months. I can't use most other forms of birth control because of the blood clotting thing and I have terrible periods so that just complicates everything.

Edit: also my state is safe so I'm not overly worried personally though my heart hurts today for all the people who will be in impossible situations.
@nountaineer For me, it depends what happens in my next state election.

I live in a state that currently has good protections but if any political seats flip in November, it could change. If seats change, I won’t have my IUD removed until I’m in a situation where I am prepared to be a one cycle unicorn. If things stay the same, I’ll have it taken out about three months before I plan to try.