Horrible symptoms at 9 weeks


New member
So I’m about 9w and 2 days but I’ve been having horrible morning sickness from 6 and a half weeks. I do believe it’s acid reflux since it’s always a bright yellow bitter liquid that squeezes my stomach and I have some major stomach and heartburn (been practically downing tums) every two to three hours I experience hunger that appears to trigger it, but the problem is if I eat I can hold the food down if I sit up but it HURTS after swallowing. My boyfriend has tried to be supportive but he just doesn’t understand that when he tells me to take a bite it feels like torture for the first couple of bites until the food settles. When I go to bed I wake up at 3-4 am and throw up while afterwards experiencing a hunger so intense that it physically makes me cry. How do I deal with these problems? Should I be concerned about the throwing up? I try to eat super light meals and frequently to also help with the burning sensation (i.e yogurts, granola bars, salads, cereal)
@katrina2017 I barely have my first appointment set for next week, as I had some difficulties but now I’m getting worried that maybe it’s too late and that there’s something wrong. I also experience full shoulder pain frequently so I’m worried it could be an eptopic
@katrina2017 Not an ultrasound yet no and I’ve had that suspicion! Although it happens in a certain position sometimes it’s the tip of my shoulder going up to my neck and sometimes it’s the whole shoulder also sometimes my shoulder will pop out and back in (similar to how some people crack their knuckles by pulling) but the pain with eating feels likes it’s not just my stomach but the intestine as a whole. Not a pinching pain but the same pain that you get right before you throw up yellow bile (like alcohol poisoning) where it doesn’t squeeze your stomach yet but it feels like a really bad stomach cramp accompanied by some nausea. For the first thirty minutes it feels like my stomach is only getting worse by eating