Hope you find this helpful


New member
I made this post since I have seen a lot of newcomers come in with questions. When I first started cloth diapering I found it very overwhelming. The side bar does had a lot of useful tips, but there is always room for more information. I am 10 months in and still finding new brands or sites I hadn't heard of and think to myself, I wish I new about them before I bought these others. I have compiled a list of sites where you can buy diapers. Some sites only sell their brands, others sell many brands. I also made a chart of the diaper brands I am aware of and the styles they offer. I considered adding prices, but prices change.

Absorbency Chart!!!!

Helpful videos:

How to use different styles

How to fold flats or prefolds

Cloth Diapering for Beginners

Cloth Diapering 101

How to cloth diaper, simply, for dirt cheap

23 Brand Cloth Review

Sells their own brand and low price:

Assunta - also sells supplies


Sunbaby has diapers for skinny babies and chunky monkeys


Wazoodle also sells supplies

Stores that sell many brands and styles:

www.greenmountaindiapers.com - people love their flats and prefolds

www.kellyscloset.com - also sells gently used

www.nickisdiapers.com - only place to buy Imagine Bamboo prefolds/flats



www.sweetbottomsbaby.com - free shipping & newborn diaper rentals!

www.diaperjunction.com - also sells gently used



www.jilliansdrawers.com - also sells gently used








www.target.com - charlie bananas


Homemade or used diapers:


http://hyenacart.com/ - thanks @megj-330

www.ebay.com (also china cheapies)



www.fromthestash.com - thanks @pike942



Different combinations work for different people. No one can tell you what will work best for your baby.
@ayu415 The Bagshot Row Bamboo dipes are a bit pricey for their worth imo somewhat akin to Goodmama diapers they are very cute and had a cult following making prices higher. The BubuBebes however are worth every single penny! My daughter was a heavy wetter and these were the only diapers that would hold up overnight for her as a toddler. Plus they're soo squishy and soft. Hyena Cart also has a place for selling used called Spot's Corner, I've had good luck finding both brands for cheap there in the past.
@marlenedean Neat, I will have to check them out! My kid is a heavy wetter so he has to be super stuffed at night. If there was a trimmer option out there I am all for it.
@danman02 Neat, the table may not be 100% accurate. I think I noticed on one brand I marked h/b prefolds/flat and that was meant to be fitted. I tried to proof check everything but I sometimes overlook mistakes in my own work. It was the bambinex brand. Don't think it is easy to buy here though so may not matter much.
@ayu415 Oh man do I know the feels. I convinced myself to rehab my BG 3.0s instead of selling them and funding new ones. So many brands I still want to try out!