high HcG?


New member
Hi, all. I had my blood drawn for confirmation yesterday at 19dpo. I had an early loss a few months ago and was really hoping for a very normal number. The results came back today and the HcG level was 3700. I’m nervous as I’ve read high levels could be a sign of something wrong. Is this high? Too high? Should I be freaking out? My first appointment is near the end of December. Advice appreciated.

Sorry if this is a silly question. Trying for bb #1 and am feeling a little on edge.
@janetta No need to worry, this is probably a good sign.
It could mean you ovulated (and conceived) earlier than you think.
Also a good chance at that level it’s not an ectopic pregnancy, or it could indicate multiple babies.
No way to know until your dr confirms, but try not to worry, and congrats!
@janetta Seems normal to me. Mine were about that high. Its only worrying if they are REAAALLLY high. Like 10x higher than they should be because it can indicate a molar pregnancy.
@janetta No, I wouldn't be freaking out. Mine ran a little higher than average and baby is doing just fine. Just have them run it again after 2 days and make sure it's at least doubled. That's really the only thing to worry about.
@janetta My HCG at 19DPO was 3,891 with a doubling time of 1.1 days (25 hours). I got another HCG done today and will have the results by Monday, and hopefully a call from my OB to tell me if everything is normal. According to the chart at the bottom of this page, my HCG is only slightly elevated than the average HCG for that gestational age so I’m not concerned at the moment… in fact, I’m wondering if I’m pregnant with multiples: https://www.babymed.com/normal-hcg-blood-level-by-week-during-pregnancy#