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Hello all! I Posted in a different subreddit and they led me here.
I (26 F) didn’t realize how incredibly sad it would make me feel. Im married & we both want kids but are waiting for the right circumstances to do so. We are more than an hr drive from our families and know we will need their support when the time comes so we are hoping to be near them soon. (we want a house before that we can settle into & better jobs). But before anyone announced their pregnancies I started dreaming that I woke up with a small bump & I’d wake up sad but I put it out of my mind because we are trying to give ourselves and the future baby a chance… & then my aunt announced her pregnancy and I was excited it’s her (34F) first child. But then my sister in law announced her (25F) pregnancy a couple of weeks later and I almost started crying. I feel sort of terrible & selfish for feeling sadness in the midst of joy ya know?
I was told by some people to redirect that sadness into learning more about what becoming a parent may mean/prepare myself so I started with fertility and conception books. Just the IWGTGP & the Mayo Clinic’s book so far.
& oh im knitting both of them some baby clothes and whenever I finish I wish I was making them for my own baby 😭
I just..idk I just feel bad for thinking about myself through this & I wanted to vent. It’s a lot of emotions right now. Thank y’all in advanced❤️
@infinium Welcome to the group!! Honestly finding this has helped me so much and whenever I’m having a hard time coming on here has helped me to feel less alone so hopefully it’s the same for you.

This is so common and natural and you shouldn’t feel any guilt at all. It’s so lovely that you’re putting your energy into learning and even knitting them baby clothes! I think you’re doing all the right things and it’ll just be a case of good days and harder ones sometimes, but that’s what we’re here for! I’m sure that whatever happens you’ll love these new additions to your family more than anything and your experience with them will make you an even more wonderful parent when the time comes! 💗