Hey ladies hope y’all are well. Period+supply issue stuff please


New member
So 8 months strong EBF introduced weaning at 5 m/o is still a bit hit n miss with her but she loves food when she loves it.
She mostly loves the mama milk the most and i love that for her.
I think as a natural progression my volume has been slowly dwindling anyway (though I don’t know for sure as only occasionally do a late night pump after she’s out for the 12 hour stretch).

I’d only pump for peace of mind and stash too.
Like because she refused bottles and nurses and comforts from me it’s almost pointless but it’s reassuring there’s her milk should I get in an emergency or something.
Well, her dad got sick and my workload increased so I didn’t do my typical pump routine for about a week and that’s taken a hit too. It takes so long just to get that one 3.5oz combined. Although i did leave it later tonight and got a bit more in less time.
I got my period today too and actually have noticed a dip in the lead up as a regular occurrence so I wanted to keep up with my late night surplus pump too for if it gets really bad there’s an option.
What do y’all do if it dips with the hormones? I’m not sure pumping for an hour to get drops to upkeep isn’t my ideal :/
@vic123 I got my period when little one was 5 months and was so annoyed it came that early! Anyways I just make more of an effort to double what I normally drink to stay hydrated. I use hydration supplements like Liquid IV or Drip Drop twice daily too. It's usually just a five day period that I see the dip. I also take one of my daughter's clothes to get her scent while I pump - this really helps me get to a happy place to get those hormones going for milk production. I use mediation music or watch a rom com too
@angel44writer I feel ya! Mine came back with a vengeance 5 months PP It’s crazy how upsetting it is. I’m thinking surely it coulda just let me be that 1 that gets at least another 9 months freedom.
You’re right hydration is a key element I’ll have to get better at taking note.
@vic123 I know, I was SO jealous of my friends who told me their period came back once they stopped breastfeeding at 12-18 months. I joined a breastfeeding support group at the hospital and I was told that the taste of your milk may be off during your period because of the hormones. I'd still try to express as often as you can. It's definitely doable! I had to pump enough for two bottles for daycare and I would use some of my stash to make up the difference.