Here's a laugh! Apparently my 8 month old is a "typical only child"


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It was radio silence when I pointed out, that ALL 8 month old would very very likely be only children considering it usually takes 9 months to deliver a baby?

I swear people just need to say something šŸ¤£
@anonymous95 This is on par with when people have said my son is ā€œall boy.ā€

Heā€™s 10 months old. Heā€™s the only one Iā€™ve got, but Iā€™m pretty sure heā€™s doing whatever heā€™s doing because heā€™s a baby, not a boy šŸ¤Ø
@4evrhis Pro tip: dress your son in pink so strangers can gush over what a precious baby girl you have. Then you can get them really worked up by saying thanks, itā€™s a boy šŸ˜‚
@paulgilldrums People are so weird about how I dress my daughter. I had a woman gushing over her in a store when she was 6 weeks old, going on about what a handsome little boy she was. I said, "That's kind of you, but she is a girl. She hasn't told me I'm wrong yet." And this lady got pissed because, "WELL she's wearing a blue outfit." Yeah, with pink owls all over it, so which is it? Blew her mind that a baby could wear blue and pink at the same time.
@faithliness This annoys me so much. Even if it didn't have pink owls on it, who cares if a girl wears a blue outfit? Some of my daughter's favorite clothes are blue. Since when do boys get exclusive rights over the color blue? Hell, blue and green are my own favorite colors and I'm a woman!
@gasser I really donā€™t understand all these stereotypes people have. Today someone called my son ā€œgirlyā€ for being cuteā€¦ šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
@gasser I have a pair of navy blue overalls for her that were my mom's in the 70's. And a navy blue tutu, and so many blue onesies. Blue is my favorite color! And often I'm wearing a blue shirt or dress but no one looks at me and goes "but you're wearing blue so you are a boy!"
@acandleindarkness I think this is actually a thing....I took my baby into work, wearing a purple top and a purple-flowered bib. And one of my coworkers was kinda holding her bib between his fingers like he was studying it for a while, before saying "what a beautiful little boy he is!" And I was like "thank you! She's a little girl, her names willow" and he was like "willow could be a boys name too.... and you dressed her in blue...". It was very purple. With flowers.

Me and my husband have so much confusion talking about baby clothes. Everything I think is purple, he swears is blue. So many things that I'd call blue, turquoise or teal, he calls green. And he was arguing yesterday that her dark navy top was grey-green. He works in graphic design, so I'd think he knew his colours, sometimes it makes me doubt my perception of reality lol
@colinamey My boyfriend is colorblind and we have the same color conversations often. Especially blue vs purple and everything being a shade of green to him. There have been times heā€™s told me our sonā€™s outfit doesnā€™t match and Iā€™ll have to nicely remind him that it does if youā€™re not colorblind lol.
@paulgilldrums Oh man! I dressed my daughter in whatever I liked. Took her out one evening in a dinosaur onesie, with a huuuuge bow on her head. Old man stopped us to say I had a handsome boy, I said "oh thanks! She's a girl, she just likes dinos!" And he lost it! Started yelling about how if I want people to know what I have I should dress it appropriately.
@paulgilldrums My son adores pink. Combine this with huge blue eyes and super curly hair and literally everyone thinks heā€™s a girl and I have to have this conversation A LOT.

I donā€™t care, heā€™s 2, who gives a crap, but it seems a lot of people sure do.
@4evrhis I like to tell people he's full of beans when people say my son is all boy. He is soooo active but I dont think that's because he's a boy, I think its because he constantly has ants in his pants!
@anonymous95 I spoke with my sonā€™s daycare teacher before his 2.5 year appointment and she told me he wasnā€™t very good at sharing, ā€œprobably because heā€™s an only child.ā€ But Iā€™m sure that many of the kids in that class are first kids whose Moms are either pregnant or have a very small infant, so how out of the norm is his behavior really?
@nw82 To be honest my only child is WAY better at sharing than one of her friends who is from a multiple child family. That kid hits and pushes because his sister always steals his stuff! Then again her other friend who is a sibling shares graciously.

It is the parenting that dictates the behavior, not whether or not there are siblings!!!
@naturalgraham4 I think itā€™s also largely the childā€™s temperament that decides the behavior. My son doesnā€™t spend much time around other children outside of daycare (thanks covid) so I donā€™t exactly get much practice controlling that behavior.

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