Help: i cannot sleep when my baby sleeps!


New member
We are currently trying to do some sort of sleep training meaning I lay my 7 MO girl in her crib and gently tap her back while she wine a little and she falls asleep within minutes. We used to bedshare and she was on my breast almost every 1 to 3 h at night. Now she is going down to 1-2 feed at night. This is important because I have to go back to work soon and she will start daycare 2 days a week in a week.

The problem is that I cannot sleep for the second night in a row, last night i had 0 h of sleep until she came in bed with me for a little 2 h. Tonight I slept like 2 h because I had a camomille tea, and I took some melatonine. I feel very tired. I have been listening to an audible as it usually get me to sleep but it is currently 5 am and it is not working.

Does anyone have some advice?